Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"I am the master of the flame!"
― Pyron (Darkstalkers)
"A trough of meat was set before them, with Loki at one end and Logi at the other, and they were to see who could reach the middle first. They met in the middle at the same time, but while Loki had eaten all of the meat between the end and the middle, Logi had eaten the meat, the bones, and even the trough itself! Loki had clearly lost."
― The Prose Edda

The Power/Ability to become the absolute source and embodiment of Quintessential Fire. Variation and of Fire Embodiment and Derivation.

Also Called[]

  • Primordial Pyrocore
  • Quintessence Inferno Nexus
  • Cosmic Flame Reservoir
  • Everlasting Blaze Nexus
  • Infinite Fire Conduit
  • Primordial Fire Mimicry


This ability combines the eternal essence of fire with an inexhaustible wellspring of fiery energy, granting the wielder unparalleled mastery over flames and transcending mortal limitations. Eternal Flame Nexus merges the concepts of eternal flame manipulation and an inexhaustible pyrokinetic core, granting wielders unparalleled mastery over fire and transcending mortal limitations. By harnessing the eternal essence of fire within themselves. Eternal Flame Nexus enables wielders of fire mimicry, Fire manipulation and Eternal Flame Manipulation and so as Primordial Fire manipulation to tap into the quintessential essence of fire itself, unlocking the raw power of Quintessence Force within their flames. By channeling primordial energies and igniting a blaze infused with the essence of creation, practitioners ascend to cosmic levels of power and become masters of the fundamental forces that govern the universe.





  • The ability to reduce temperature to absolute zero, which could extinguish even the most intense fires.
  • Formation of ice barriers or freezing flames with intense cold could nullify the effects of Eternal Flame Nexus but not fully beat the user of Eternal Flame Nexus
  • Powers that allow absorption of energy, including fire-based energy, could render Eternal Flame Nexus ineffective.
  • Manipulating dimensions could create barriers that prevent the spread of fire or redirect it away from targets.

Known Users[]

  • Pyron (Darkstalkers)
  • The Phoenix Force (Marvel Comics)
  • Amaterasu (Ōkami)

