Superpower Wiki

The power to have the abilities and traits of a half-gorgon. Hybrid of Human and Gorgon Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Half-Snake Men/Women Mimicry/Physiology
  • Human Gorgon Hybrid Mimicry/Physiology
  • Human Dreaded One Hybrid Mimicry/Physiology


The user with this ability either is or can transform into a hybrid between a human and a gorgon, a terrifying female creature of Greek mythology. While descriptions of gorgons vary across Greek literature, common features include hair of living, venomous snakes.

However, in some rarer occurrences, gorgons have been seen as male, challenging the all-female dominated species myth, but this is still rare among the gorgon races.


Classical mythology connects Gorgons to sea-storms, coral reefs and other dangers of sea:



  • Users may not be immune to their own petrifying gaze, unless reflections were transversed.
  • User’s full powers may/might not manifest until they undergo metamorphosis through certain cycles when their skin sheds.
  • Users may not be completely Immortal.
  • Users may not have control over their gorgon bloodline.
  • Users' gorgon bloodline aspects might have an impact on their human bloodline e.g. their senses might be too sensitive.

Known Users[]

  • Zoe Ivey (The Ancient Magus' Bride)
  • Half-Gorgons (Dungeons and Dragons/DnD)
  • Mizuchi (Gorgon Oyako No Danran)