Superpower Wiki

The power to control the state of being in-between realities. Variation of Parallel Existence Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Inter-Reality Control


The user can control anything that is between realities. Basically, this means they can make it so that whatever happens to the user in one reality affects their alternate-self (or selves) in another. For instance, the user can manipulate people, places and objects that, if enhanced or damaged, will affect the other self from another reality the same way. The user can also make it so that something or someone is taken out of the state of being between realities too.




  • Cannot affect those with certain omni-powers, such as Absolute Existence, Nonexistence, Omnilock, Omnipotence, and Unity.
  • Users of Singularity cannot be Manipulated as there are no copies/other versions of them.
  • Users of Nonexistent Physiology and Nothingness Physiology are immune.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
  • May be limited to certain universes, things, people, places or events behind them.
  • May not be able to create or induce states of being in-between realities, only manipulate them.