Superpower Wiki

The ability to Make the Concept of Omnipotence and Their Authority Irrelevant To the User. Combination of Abolishment, Anti-God and Eternal Transcendence. Not to be Confused with Anti-God and Satanic Incarnation. the ultimate version of Almighty Ascension and Conditional Omnipotence.

Also Called[]

  • Almighty Defiance
  • Counter Omnipotence
  • Divine Dualism


The user can essentially become the Counter to Omnipotence in Every Aspect, Being able to Match them In Every Way and Counter the Powers of said Omnipotent Being.

Users of Irrelevant Omnipotence will Ascend Immeasurable Layers into Boundless. They will Grow Stronger if said Omnipotent Being Gets Stronger, They are Eternally Equal to Each other., thus this power is the absolute version of Almighty Ascension, which instead of ascended to a nigh-omnipotent state, they instead rise to match the boundless omnipotent state, but only if their is an omnipotent being to rival to begin with. It also stands as a stronger version and variation of Conditional Omnipotence.

Since the entity it opposes cannot destroy the user, it is not actually true omnipotence, but can be said to be virtually omnipotence as long as it is against another opposing force or being who is also omnipotent.

Another reason that power exist may be to counter balance another omnipotent being in relation to chaos and order, light and dark, or even creation and destruction.

Applications (Base)[]

  • Acquired Omnipotence: The user can attain what should be an unobtainable level of power for themselves, such as omnipotence or one of its many derivatives. This can occur via an outside source they can access or an internal one they developed through hard work. Users can become literally omnipotent, with complete control over all aspects of existence, without any limitations whatsoever. Possessing Omnipotence means that the individual has the power to do absolutely anything, from manipulating reality to bending or breaking the laws of physics, time, space, and even the basic rules of the universe. They can create, destroy, and manipulate anything and everything at will, with the mere power of their thoughts. Their power is truly limitless, and they have no weaknesses.
    • Almighty Ascension: The user can either ascend into or already is, an absolute version of themselves and attain a boundless state of being and power, capable of surpassing cosmic and primordial entities, deities, supernatural beings. Through such an ascendency they can become the rival of the most powerful being in their known universe/multiverse/omniverse as they possess ultimate power, inheriting an Almighty Mode and physiology that are unique to the user alone.
  • Conditional Omnipotence: The user is able to be all-powerful given the condition that another all powerful being exists in the setting. Users are thus able to rival any supreme beings and attain absolute and unquestionable reign over everything and exist along side the most powerful being in existence as the counter towards One God. However, as stated, their supremacy is conditional. This dependency can range from made to keep the balance, as one supreme represents creation and the other destruction. Status quo wise, other examples can also include if it relies on chaos, or in other terms, if chaos and order remain under balance, as opposed to just order.
    • Omni-Empowerment/Almighty Empowerment: The user becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. from absolutely anything/everything (dimensions, boundaries, concepts, even from Omni-Aversion and potentially from the Omega Omnisphere, etc.), possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the elements or even slow or stop aging.Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come in contact almighty forces/sources. including of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the Almighty source or even slow or stop aging.
  • Transcendent Ascension: The user is (by a twist of fate in the grand scheme of things or anointed by the previous Ruler/Author/God) ascended in the league of gods themselves, to the extent of their upper echelon. The distinction of Ascension depends on whom (or what) is responsible for the Ascension. This power distinguishes itself from conventional Ascension, as the latter is based on ascending the physiological and/or spiritual confines of their existence. While conferring powerful pickings, it reaches a different point than this power does.
    • Irrational Indeterminacy: Beyond all scaling and definition, which can extend to various attributes of their being, such as power, speed, strength, stamina, intelligence, etc. User's existence would break logic, as they are beyond every concept that could anchor them, even infinity and whatever is beyond that as well, as they rise to match the existing supreme being in all aspects.

Applications (Detailed)[]

Applications (Example)[]

The powers and abilities that the user may attain given the situation.



Known Users[]

  • (A Wheel of Time)
    • Dark One
  • (DC Comics)
    • The Great Darkness
    • The Great Evil Beast
  • (Marvel Comics)
    • Chaos King
    • Oblivion
    • The One Below All
    • The Protégé
  • (Prince of Darkness/John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness)
    • Anti-God
    • The Adversary
  • (Supernatural)
    • Amara/The Darkness
  • (Zoroastrianism)
    • Angra Mainyu


  • The user will always be Eternally Equal to Their Supreme Being without being to Surpass or Become Weaker than Them.
  • If There is no Omnipotent Being in A Fictional World, Said Users of this Power Cannot Exist in That Fictional World.


  • This Ability (and its Variations) is more of a State of Being rather than an actual Superpower like its counterpart.