The ability to change one's turning radius. Sub-power of Maneuverability Manipulation and Enhanced Turning. Technique of Personal Mastery.
Also Called[]
- Personal Turning Radius
The user can alter the turn radius of turns they make, affecting things like how far or inward their turn radius goes, what parts of the circle change and have different turn radii and so on.
- Acceleration Manipulation
- Body Physics Manipulation
- Centrifugal Force Manipulation
- Centripetal Force Manipulation
- Directional Manipulation
- Distance Manipulation
- Flawless Coordination
- Maneuverability Manipulation
- Orbital Force Manipulation
- Personal Direction Manipulation
- Personal Mastery
- Rotational Energy Manipulation
- Spatial Manipulation
- Time Manipulation
- Vector Manipulation
- Velocity Manipulation
- May have to concentrate to maintain their turning distance.
- May be limited in certain aspects of personal turn rate distance.
- May have a maximum or minimum limit to how far or small their turn radius can be.