- "You think the realm of the mystical is limited to ancient texts and relics? That bad old science made the magic go away? The divine exists in cyberspace same as out here."
- ― Jenny Calendar (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The power to utilize science-based magic. Form of Magic. Variation of Supernatural Science and Antithetical Magic. Not to be confused with Science-Magic Mixture.
Also Called[]
- Science/Scientific Magic
- Sci-fi Magic
The user can utilize a form of magic that involves science, often by approaching and researching magic in a scientific fashion to discover how it works, allowing for harnessing their energies and/or mystical control of their aspects. With this user will be able to perform a variety of magical feats that manipulate scientific laws and substances, either mystically manipulating them or using them to cast spells.
- Magic
- Science-Magic Mixture
- Sci-fi Manipulation
- Science Fantasy Manipulation
- Cosmic Magic
- Cyberspace Magic
- Digital Magic
- Dimension Magic
- Elemental Magic
- Environmental Magic
- Force Magic
- Inorganic Magic
- Nature Magic
- Organic Magic
- Scholar Magic
- Quantum Magic
- Technomagic
- Magic may have a price.
- Anti-Magic/Magic Negation/Magic Destruction/Science Negation
Known Users[]
See also: Sufficiently Analyzed Magic, Scientifically Understandable Sorcery, and Science Wizard
- Magic Users (Ben 10)
- Jenny Calendar (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Doctor Manhattan (DC Comics/Watchmen)
- Artificers (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Magic Users (Image Comics)
- Magicians (The Irregular at Magic High School)
- Asgardian magic users (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Doctor Doom (Marvel Comics)
- Donatello (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Johann Faust VIII (Shaman King)
- Mana Magic Users (The Sorcerer's Apprentice)
- Justin Russo (Wizards of Waverly Place)
- Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Known Objects[]
- Ether Gear (Edens Zero)
- Universal Weapon (Marvel Comics)
A skilled technopagan, Jenny Calendar (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) regularly used modern science, like the Internet and computers, for spell casting.
Artificers (Dungeons & Dragons) are spellcasters who use applied science to forge magic-infused constructs and gadgets.
A supremely talented scientist and sorcerer, Doctor Victor Von Doom (Marvel Comics) can use both science and magic to improve either one, allowing him such feats as researching and discovering how to harness the mystical energies of Vibranium when the top minds of Wakanda could not...
...and creating a functional time machine that, unlike other methods of time travel, can directly alter history rather than simply creating alternate timelines.
Donatello (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) regularly applies scientific methods to mystic power, such as by modifying his goggles to detect mystic energy...
...and channeling Hamato Ninpo through his inventions.
Johann Faust VIII's (Shaman King) medical knowledge translates well into his studies of Necromancy.
Through computer science-based magic, Justin Russo (Wizards of Waverly Place) was able to create a Frankenstein monster.