Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate their own smart atoms. Variation of Self-Atomic Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Atoms/Particles with Mind
  • Intuitive Atomic Structure
  • Sentient/Intelligent Atoms
  • Smart/Sentient/Intelligent Particles


The user can manipulate their smart atoms; a form of atomic structure that has intuitive qualities that can "remember" their states in relation to both their users and their environment but can also grant capable of extraordinary self-encoding feats atomic levels to react to any changes in that as much as they can enhances users' physical capabilities to extreme extents that goes beyond their normal state.

For instance, atoms in a muscle can ensure that the molecules behave normally even under extreme forces. Or atoms in the air can be forced to maintain their relative positions, thus acting like an impenetrable wall. These atoms are also able to extract "Background energy" or "vacuum energy" as their source of energy.

Additionally, smart atoms can vary in structure; For example, there may be different versions such as biological, technological, esoteric, foreign, etc.





Known Users[]

