The power to ascend to a transcendent level of being. Source-power of the Ascended Masters. Not to be confused with Ascended.
Also Called[]
- Ascension Transcendence
- Divine/Godly/Supreme Ascension
The user is (by a twist of fate in the grand scheme of things or anointed by the previous Ruler/Author/God) ascended in the league of gods themselves, to the extent of their upper echelon. The distinction of Ascension is dependent of whom (or what) is responsible of the Ascension.
This power distinguishes itself to conventional Ascension, as the latter is based on ascending of the physiological and/or spiritual confines of their existence. While conferring powerful pickings it doesn't reach to the point this power does.
Applications (General)[]
True-Ascension: The person's status rises to the scale of Omnipotence.[]
- Can do and be whatever it wills to absolutely anything and everything infinitely, and that still wouldn't be an infinitesimal fraction of its power. Due to its nature, there can only be one omnipotent being. Suppose omnipotence splits into parts, each one of these parts are omnipotent. Omnipotence doesn't have a limit to its scope of reach. It transcends anything, fiction, all of humanity, consciousness, awareness, dimensions, axioms, inaccessible cardinals, cosmological structures, concepts, logic, and even transcendence itself.
- All Almighty Powers
- All Absolute Powers
- All Meta Powers
- All Omni Powers
- All Omnipotence Derivatives
- Possible ways to achieve this power and status:
- God's handover. See: Omnipotence Bestowal.
- Be one with god- essentially being a "co-creator." See: Mysticism/Unity.
Nigh-Ascension: The person's status rises to the scale of Nigh-Omnipotence.[]
- Possesses omnipotent-like-power but has a limitation/restriction/weakness that inhibits their potential to become an omnipotent being. The user's near-omnipotence can range from having ultimate or maxed power over a particular domain or having expert-level power, knowledge, and presence over numerous or all aspects. Despite being limited, the user possesses unimaginable power at their will. The differences between nigh-omnipotence and omnipotence are the range of applications one character can perform in their franchise.
- All Nigh Powers
- All Reality Manipulation Powers
- All Supernatural Powers
- All Transcendent Powers
- Possible ways to achieve this power and status:
- To be elevated to this status by God. See: Imbued Godhood.
- Reaching nearly omnipotent divinity by Enlightenment.
- Nigh-Omnipotence Bestowal
Applications (Detailed)[]
For Omnipotence Users:[]
- Absolute Derivation: Can become the binding source of all existence forever bound and representing the infinite cosmos in creation.
- Absolute Transcendence: Transcend absolutely everything, including itself, any forms of definition, limitations etc.
- Autopotence: Have absolute power over your own existence and everything related to it.
- Complete Arsenal: Have every power and ability, thus being able to do absolutely anything.
- Omni-Manipulation: Manipulate anything and everything, even the power itself.
- Eternal Existence: Having always existed, eternal in two aspects: possessing no end as well as no beginning.
- Flawless Indestructibility: Absolutely immune to any/all kinds of harm, having no physical, spiritual, and mental weaknesses.
- Freedom: Possess a supernatural form of freedom and independence that liberates them from restrictions.
- Indeterminacy: Beyond all scaling and definition, which can extend to various attributes of their being.
- Omniarch: Rule and reign over anything and everything, as such, the user has Absolute control over all in existence and beyond.
- Omnilock - Exist outside of absolutely everything, resides or can be present outside of everything.
- Omnipresence: Present everywhere at the same time, referring to an unbounded or universal presence.
- Omniscience: Know absolutely everything infinitely within their wider reality or verse of origin.
- Perfection: In the condition, state and quality of being free from all possible forms of flaws or defects.
- Singularity: Absolutely one of a kind and completely distinct from everything.
- Totality Embodiment - Be the embodiment of anything and everything, thus having absolute control over it.
- Unity: One with totality itself; they are absolutely everything and anything all at once in a single being.
For Nigh-Omnipotence Users:[]
- Existence Manipulation: Warp existence on a level of power so high that the user can be considered (close to) omnipotent.
- Creation: Can create anything the user wants on a small scale or cosmic scale and beyond.
- Destruction: Cause damage and destruction on a small scale or massive scale.
- Reality Warping: Warp reality on a level of power so high that the user can be considered (close to) omnipotent.
- Nigh-Complete Arsenal: Possess almost all powers/attributes in an almost unlimited or unlimited scale.
- Nigh-Omnipresence: Be present almost everywhere at the same time.
- Nigh-Omniscience: Know almost anything and everything.
- Tetralogy (on Non-Omnipotent Scale): Control the 4 aspects of existence. Divinity, Magic, Philosophy and Science.
Known Users[]
- Jafar (Disney's Alaadin)
- Elaine Belloc (DC Comics)
- The Living Tribunal (Marvel Comics)
- Jesus Christ (Christianity)
- Metatron (Judaism)
- Bruce Nolan (Bruce Almighty)
Web Series[]
- Dr. Mary Nakayama (SCP Foundation)
Known Methods[]
- Various Methods (Various Beliefs) [If you cannot access the pages, try using the internet archive wayback machine.]
- Kingdom
- The 12th Universe
- 12D Universe
- Ascension Stargate
- Ancient Egyptian Mysteries
- Theosophy 7 LOKAS
- Navaratri: 9 Holy Nights of Creation
- Buddhist Mandala
- Buddhist Stupas
- The Borobudur
- Yakushi-ji Pagoda
- Stupa of the Great Awakening
- Sacred Geometry
- Platonic Cosmology
- Geometric Cosmology
- Qabalah
- Gnostic Pleroma
- Radhasoami
- Kashmir Shaivism
- Pleiadian ET Cosmology
- Ra Law of One
- Taoism-Tai Chi
- The Matrimandir
- Mayan Pyramid
- Buddhism
Omnipotence Examples:[]
The Ascension of Jesus (Christianity) is that Jesus ascended to Heaven after his resurrection, where he was exalted as Lord and Christ, sitting at the right hand of God.
Nigh-Omnipotence Examples:[]
The Living Tribunal (Marvel Comics) is nigh-omnipotent being who is the personification of multiversal law as the representative of One Above All.
In some versions Metatron (Judaism) was a human whom God ascended to become the most powerful angel in heaven.