Superpower Wiki
"God's power is unlimited. He needs no teachers to guide or correct him."
― Job 36:22-24

The ability to possess truly limitless raw power. Form/Expression of Nigh-Omnipotence/Omnipotence. Not to be confused with Metapotence.

Also Called[]


The user possesses Ultipotence; it’s the raw ability to "truly possess unlimited power and potential" that solely centers the power aspect/basics of Nigh-Omnipotence/Omnipotence. The user possesses limitless power so great it can infinitely exceed everyone and everything else in their setting allowing them to potentially achieve anything and everything which also depends on how much knowledge and control they have over their power just as much as having a clarity of ideals in what they want to achieve and how they will do it. As a result, the user has access to unlimited means at their disposal to create and manipulate any/everything they desire.

The effective use of the power requires instinct and imagination, enabling to create and shape new possibilities with or without the need for prior knowledge. However through the use of acquired knowledge and information to add, they can expand their potential borders, offering new templates for the user. The knowledge adds higher precision and control over their power.

Although the user is not necessarily omniscient, they have unlimited access to a boundless world of both possible and impossible possibilities, essentially being Omnipotent/Nigh-Omnipotent by power alone, but however their potential to learn a tremendous amounts of knowledge by whatever means aiding in gradually expandtion of their options and refining their mastery through practice and experience, furthering their control and precision over their endless power.

To summarize: Ultipotence is the potential to do anything.

Applications (Base)[]

  • Irrational Indeterminacy: Beyond all scaling and definition, which can extend to various attributes of their being, such as power, speed, strength, stamina, intelligence, etc. User's existence would break logic, as they are beyond every concept that could anchor them, even infinity and whatever is beyond that as well.
    • Omni Distortion: Can distort, twist and warp everything, including matter, energy, space, time, vectors, distance/location, reality, logic, perspectives, identity, variables, physics, concepts, powers/skills, rules/laws, paradoxes, etc.
  • Metakinesis: The power to be able to replicate any power and use it whenever they desire, without any time limit., ability, summon characters from the same verse to assist them and keep the summoned characters by their side for an unlimited duration,, allows for the creation of unique combinations of powers and abilities from different universes, resulting in a vast array of possibilities limited only by the user's imagination.
    • Ability Infinitum: The user's powers or abilities increase over time with no limit and can keep gradually increasing, essentially forever. Even in their beginning, they are capable of achieving feats comparable to be under the league of gods. This makes their potential limitless and immeasurable, allowing them to perform any feat in due time/eventually.
  • Personal Potential: Can freely control and manipulate their own potential, including skills, abilities, personal preferences, capacity for growth and learning, the range of options they are given in life, etc. The range of options that are available are defined only by the user's personal preferences.
    • Absolute Potential: user can freely control and manipulate their own potential, including skills, abilities, personal preferences, capacity for growth and learning, the range of options they are given in life, etc. The range of options that are available are defined only by the user's personal preferences.
  • Transcendent Ascension: The user is (by a twist of fate in the grand scheme of things or anointed by the previous Ruler/Author/God) ascended in the league of gods themselves, to the extent of their upper echelon. The distinction of Ascension are dependent of whom (or what) is responsible of the Ascension. This power distinguishes itself to conventional Ascension, as the latter is based on ascending of the physiological and/or spiritual confines of their existence. While confering powerful pickings it doesn't reach to the point this power does. (Varies)

Applications (Detailed)[]



  • The user is essentially equal to a truly omnipotent being, although it is only in terms of raw power.
  • The user can also not necessarily be omnipresent by nature, but they are capable of becoming omnipresent if they so desire.
  • The user is omnipotent in essence being omnipotent and unlimited by nature, thus making him have truly unlimited raw power making him essentially omnipotent.


Known Users[]

  • Dyntos (Kid Icarus Uprising)
  • God (Star Maker); as The Star Maker
  • God Entity (Futurama)
  • Kevin Thorn (Fables)
  • Michael (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Beyonder Race (Marvel Comics)
  • Cal-Horra/The Lost One (Marvel Comics)
  • Dr. Doom (Marvel Comics); after becoming God Emperor Doom
  • Molecule Man/Owen Reece (Marvel Comics); after absorbing all of The Beyonder Race’s powers
  • Protege (Marvel Comics); after copying the beyonder and cosmic entities
  • The Beyonder (Marvel Comics) Pre-Retcon
  • Ryu (Breath of Fire IV) as Dragon Yorae
  • Sam Howell/SCP-3812 - A Voice Behind Me (SCP Foundation); while superseding everything in existence
  • The Creator (Drawn to Life)
  • The One (Transformers)
  • Lucifer Morningstar/Samael (DC/Vertigo Comics); via his Absolute will of God
  • Mazikeen (DC/Vertigo Comics); after inheriting Lucifer's power
  • Max Faraday (Wildstorm); via the creation equation
  • Wallace Johnson/Wally The God-Boy (DC Comics)
  • Yahoel (Apocalypse of Abraham)
  • Doctor Jonathan Osterman/Doctor Manhattan (DC Comics/Watchmen)

