The power to be completely unharmed by fantastic-matter. Sub-power of Fantastic-Matter Manipulation. Variation of Immunity. Advanced variation of Fantastic-Matter Resistance.
Also Called[]
- Unobtainium Durability/Cancellation/Immunity/Imperviousness/Invulnerability/Insulation/Nullification/Protection/Tolerance
The user is immune to all fantastic-matter and abilities rooted in it, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects.
- Immunity to Fantastic-Matter Abilities
- Weakness Immunity - when fantastic-matter takes the form of an individual or species' weakness.
- May be limited to certain types of unobtainium/phlebotinum.
- Immunity Bypassing/Power Negation/Immunity Removal are the perfect counters.
- May not last forever.
Known Users[]
- Kingdom Come Superman (DC Comics)
- Superman X (Legion of Super-Heroes)
- Metal Overlord (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
Known Objects[]
- Kryptonite-proof suit (DC Comics/Arrowverse)
- Phazon Suit (Metroid Prime)