Superpower Wiki

The power to augment the fear of others. A sub-power of Fear Manipulation.

Also Called

  • Fear Amplification


The user is able to augment the fears of others. They could make an aerophobe so afraid of flying that they never set foot on a plane/airport or even die of fright when the plane flies. Any fear can be amplified to the point of the victim dying of fright, usually a heart-attack. The user of this power can sense the targets fears or phobias so they can use the power effectively.


  • Death Inducement by amplifying the fear to the point of dying of fright/heart attack
  • Cause the victim to go into a catatonic state



  • Apathy grants immunity to this power.
  • The power is useless without sensing the targets fear first.

Known Users

  • Mongor (Thundercats)
  • As Nodt (Bleach)
  • Elkin (Charmed)
  • Scarecrow (DC Comics)
  • Parallax (DC Comics)
  • Pitch - The Boogeyman (Rise of The Guardians)
  • Nicole Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
  • Agramon (The Mortal Instruments)