The power to take on the abilities of a Fear Gorta, a type of Undead Fairy Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Fear Gortach Physiology
Users of this ability have the ability to take on the traits of a Fear Gorta or are one, according to Irish folklore a Fear Gorta is a phantom of starvation envisioned as an emaciated human (usually male) who would travel the world during famine, while the creature could be warded off by giving it alms the legendary "Hungry Grass" of Ireland was said to be the creature's doing and despite its ghostly appearance it often had linked to the fay.
"Hungry Grass" was a cursed patch of grass that was believed to be created by a Fear Gorta and any who stumbled across the patch of grass would be stricken with a rapid, supernatural hunger that often caused death or a perpetual state of never-ending hunger.
- Vulnerable to anti-fay magic and items, such as divine relics and cold iron.
- Can be appeased by giving alms or offerings.
Known Users[]
- Fear Gorta (Irish Folklore)