Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of a Fear Liath, Combination of Sasquatch, Ghost and Bogeyman Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Fear Liath Mimicry


The users with this trait can take on the abilities of a Fear Liath or are one, a Fear Liath is a seemingly malevolent type of mountain-spirit found in Scottish folklore, especially those surrounding the summit of Ben Macdui (the second highest mountain in Scotland) - similar creatures are found across several legends and are believed to both represent the cold, isolate and dangerous conditions of mountains (especially in early days of exploration) as well as being the result of optical illusions and paranoia.

Fear Liaths are also considered a kind of Bigfoot-like creature due to the fact they manifest at times as large hairy humanoids, they tend to be far more ghostly than most modern takes on Sasquatch however and are always associated with extreme feelings of terror and unease whenever they manifest, though they never harm humans directly.





  • May only be able to haunt mountain ranges or other remote areas, may even be a genius loci of such regions.

Known Users[]

  • Greyman (Megami tensei series)
  • Fear Liath (Scottish Folklore)

