- "Look to my example, boy! There is no resisting the Mark or the Blade!!"
- ― Cain to his descendant, Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
- "I should hate myself when I get like this. Everything goes red. Don't even know if I'm talkin'...or just howlin'. It's like every molecule of me is pumped up from sheer berserker exultation! The Beast in me rejoicin' in his own power!"
- ― James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel Comics)
The power to tap into a feral/berserk state of mind. Opposite to Tranquil State.
Also Called[]
- Animalistic Fury/Mode/Rage
- Berserk Fury/Mode/Rage
- Berserker Fury/Rage
- Berserkergang
- Blood Rage
- Enraged State
- Feral Rage
- Frenzy
- Going Berserk
- Ire State
- Primal Fury/Rage
- Psychotic Rage
- Rage/Raging Mind/Fury/Mode
- Savage Fury/Mind/Mode/Rage
- Unstoppable Fury/Rage
- Wild Mind
Fiction-Specific Terms[]
- Surge Mode (Marvel's Spider-Man 2)
- Warrior's Madness (Marvel Comics)
The user can tap into a primal instinctive state of mind, which can release an unstoppable rage that allows them to perform in vastly increased capacity, taking and inflicting damage that they couldn't or wouldn't in their normal state. In some cases, the user's mind descends so far into the feral state that, mentally, they are little more than wild animals.
- Animal Mode
- Berserker
- Berserker Combat
- Enhanced/Absolute Violence
- Indomitable Rage
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Body
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Agility
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Durability/Invulnerability
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Reflexes
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Speed
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Strength
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Survivability
- Alien Physiology
- Anger Empowerment
- Animal Imitation
- Bloodlust Empowerment
- Enhanced Condition
- Hunting Mastery
- Inner Beast
- Killing Instinct
- Killing Mastery
- Lunar Mind
- Monster Physiology
- Predator Physiology
- Solar Mind
- Superior Animal Physiology
- Superior Human Physiology
- Supernatural Instincts
- Violence Empowerment
- Werewolf Physiology
- May be unable to separate friend from foe and attacks everyone.
- May be unable to remember activity in primal rage.
- May revert to a state of mind where the users only thoughts are simply: fight, flight, or mate.
- May be activated through fear, nervousness, etc. and not intentionally.
- May be vulnerable to certain attacks.
Known Users[]
- Evangelion Unit-01 (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
- Guts (Berserk)
- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach); via Hollow Ichigo
- Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach); via Bankai state
- Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)
- Spirits in Inverse Form (Date A Live)
- Inosuke Hashibira (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- SkullGreymon (Digimon Adventure)
- ShineGreymon Ruin Mode (Digimon Savers/Data Squad)
- Megidramon (Digimon Tamers)
- Great Apes (Dragon Ball series)
- Kid Buu (Dragon Ball Z)
- Broly (DBS) (Dragon Ball Super); via transformation
- Kale (Dragon Ball Super); via transformation
- Cell Max (Dragon Ball Super)
- Heeters (Dragon Ball Super)
- Nizo Okada (Gintama)
- Members of the Yato tribe (Gintama)
- Kagura
- Kamui
- Saulcai/Prosecutor (Hero Killer)
- Issei Hyoudou (High School DxD); via Juggernaut Drive
- Inuyasha (InuYasha)
- Koruru (Konjiki no Gash Bell!)
- Chimera (Marchen Awakens Romance); fused with the Ghost ÄRM, Hydra
- Suzu (Nagasarete Airantou)
- Jinchuriki (Naruto)
- Naruto Uzumaki; formerly due to possession by the Nine-Tails Fox, Kurama
- Jūgo (Naruto)
- Himari Noihara (Omamori Himari)
- Arlong (One Piece)
- Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece); pre-timeskip via Monster Point
- Hody Jones (One Piece)
- Utsutsu Hasegawa (Pupa)
- Haru Glory (Rave Master); via Sacrifar
- Son Goku (Saiyuki); via Seiten Taisei
- Atsushi Kumamoto (Solo Leveling)
- Ryu Han-Bin (Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World)
- Haru Miura (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!); via Dying Will Mode
- Kyoko Sasagawa (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!); via Dying Will Mode
- Tsunayoshi Sawada (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!); via Dying Will Mode
- Mario the Weremonster (Archie and IDW's Super Mario); permanently
- Sonic the Werehog (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog); temporarily
- Anthony Romulus (Batman: The Animated Series); in his werewolf form
- Osmosians (Ben 10); when under the influence of absorbing pure energy
- Kevin Levin
- The Toa Hordika (Bionicle)
- Zompires (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine/Angel & Faith)
- Bane (DC Comics); via Venom overdose
- Cheetah (DC Comics)
- Buddy Baker/Animal Man (DC Comics)
- Vixen (DC Comics)
- Killer Croc (DC Comics)
- Gorilla Grodd (DC Comics)
- Man-Bat (DC Comics)
- Lion-Mane (DC Comics)
- Thomas Blake/Catman (DC Comics)
- Red Lanterns (DC Comics); due to influence from a Red Power Ring which uses the power of Rage
- Star Sapphires (DC Comics); due to Love being one of the stronger emotions which is harder to control
- Larfleeze (DC Comics); due to power of Avarice from the Orange Power Ring
- Drew McIntosh (Dread and Alive)
- Glups (Ghostforce): after eating too many scaryballs
- Beast Man (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
- Spawn (Image Comics)
- Bruce Banner/Hulk (Marvel Comics)
- James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel Comics)
- Laura Kinney/Wolverine II (Marvel Comics); via Brainwashing
- Man-Spider (Marvel Comics)
- Thor Odinson (Marvel Comics)
- Victor Creed/Sabertooth (Marvel Comics)
- Teon Macik/Primal (Marvel Comics)
- Venom (Marvel Comics)
- Tigra (Marvel Comics)
- Feral (Marvel Comics)
- Man-Wolf (Marvel Comics)
- Puma (Marvel Comics)
- Kraven the Hunter (Marvel Comics)
- Bloodscream (Marvel Comics)
- Shark-Girl (Marvel Comics)
- Kyle Gibney/Wild Child (Marvel Comics)
- Leland Owlsey/The Owl (Marvel Comics)
- Romulus (Marvel Comics)
- Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde (Monster High)
- Krog (Primal)
- Gordo the Gruesome (Samurai Jack)
- Pig (Skunk-Fu); during Truffle Season
- Super Sonic (Sonic the Comic)
- Corrupted Gems (Steven Universe)
- Slash (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Shredder (IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 series); via Secondary Mutation
- Leatherhead (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Ezekiel (Total Drama)
- James Reeves (Spiderman: The Animated Series)
- Sergei Kravinoff/Kraven the Hunter (Spiderman: The Animated Series)
- Mariah Crawford/Calypso (Spiderman: The Animated Series)
- Kuasa (Arrowverse)
- Conner Kent/Kon-El/Superboy (Young Justice)
- Prince Adam/Beast (Beauty and the Beast); as a Beast
- Cannibalers (Katherine)
- Stitch (Lilo and Stitch)
- Eberwolf (The Owl House)
- R'Qazz/Beast Man (Netflix's He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
Live Television/Movies[]
- Van-Tal (Angel)
- Van-Tal demons (Angel)
- Pete Clarner (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Daniel "Oz" Osbourne (Buffy the Vampire Slayer); via werewolf form
- Turok-Han (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Peyton Westlake/Darkman (Darkman)
- Son Goku (Dragon Ball Evolution); via Oozaru
- David Sullivan (Heroes)
- Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
- Stone Men (Game of Thrones)
- Brandon Breyers/Brightburn (Brightburn)
- Godzilla (Godzilla)
- Michael Myers (Halloween)
- Touma Kamiyama/Kamen Rider Saber (Kamen Rider Saber); via Primitive Dragon Wonder Ride Book
- James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (X-Men Movies)
- Victor Creed/Sabretooth (X-Men Movies)
- Laura/X-23 (X-Men Movies)
- X-24 (X-Men Movies)
- Tony (Misfits)
- Vampires/Originals/Hybrids (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
- Werewolves (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
- Hydes (Wednesday)
- Peacock Family (The X-Files)
- Indominus rex (Jurassic World)
- The Miner (My Bloody Valentine)
- Cujo (Cujo)
- Berserker/Lancelot (Fate/Zero)
- Transformed Werewolves (Harry Potter); excluding those who have taken the Wolfsbane Potion beforehand.
- Skin-Changers (Toklienverse/The Hobbit)
- Patrick Donovan (The Young Guardians)
- Brick Baxter/Cyber Shadow (The Young Guardians)
- Thor
- Werewolves (Folklore/Mythology)
Tabletop/Video Games[]
- Barbarians (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Cainite Vampires (Vampire the Masquerade); if hungering
- Asura (Asura's Wrath); via Beserker and Wrath forms
- Ryu (Breath of Fire); via Kaiser
- Feral Chaos (Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy)
- Ghouls (Fallout series)
- Viera (Final Fantasy)
- Gau (Final Fantasy VI)
- John White/The Beast (inFAMOUS 2); temporarily
- Joseph Bertrand III (inFAMOUS 2)
- The Corrupted (inFAMOUS 2)
- Sabrewulf (Killer Instinct)
- Iori Yagami (King of Fighters); via Riot of Blood
- Heartless (Kingdom Hearts)
- Saïx (Kingdom Hearts II); when under the influence of the full moon
- Samus Aran (Metroid Dread); via Metroid DNA
- Nemesis T-Type (Resident Evil)
- Asuras (Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga); when exposed to high Solar Noise
- Painwheel (Skullgirls)
- Violet Wisps (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Iblis (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Atrocity (Spider-Man: Edge of Time)
- Boars (S.T.A.L.K.E.R series)
- Blanka (Street Fighter)
- Necalli (Street Fighter)
- Remlits (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
- SA-X (Metroid Fusion)
- Baraka (Mortal Kombat)
- Winston (Overwatch)
- Pokémon that can use "Outrage" (Pokémon)
- Jennifer Tate (Primal)
- Goro Akechi (Persona 5)
- Jonathan Reid (Vampyr)
- Amber Brotherhood (Warhammer); via Ghur
- Berserker/Heracles (Fate/stay Night)
Web Animation/Comics/Original/Series[]
- Rokash Rampersad (Ordeal)
- Angry Grandpa (The Angry Grandpa Show)
- Psycho Dad (McJuggerNuggets)
- SCP-049 - The Plague Doctor (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-096 - The "Shy Guy" (SCP Foundation); when someone sees its face
- SCP-682 - Hard-To-Destroy Reptile (SCP Foundation)
- Eyeless Jack (Creepypasta)
- Jeff the Killer (Creepypasta)
- Rake (Creepypasta)
Known Objects[]
- Nemetrix (Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Red Lantern Rings (DC Comics)
- PX-41 (Despicable Me 2)
- Black Gears (Digimon Adventure)
- Primitive Dragon Wonder Ride Book (Kamen Rider Saber)
- Calypso Serum (Marvel Comics)
- The Mark of Cain (Supernatural)
- Night Howlers (Zootopia)
In his Bankai form, Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach) becomes a mindless, feral berserker unable to differentiate between friend and foe and fighting without any regard for his own safety.
Saya Otonashi (Blood+) is prone to entering a berserker state through various means, such as being prematurely awakened from hibernation...
While in the form of Great Apes, Saiyans (Dragon Ball series) are typically mindless and destructive.
Kid Buu's (Dragon Ball Z) only remotely coherent thought is to cause as much destruction and death as possible.
Broly (Dragon Ball Super) is able to enter a state where he takes upon the strength of Great Apes while still in his human form but loses all sense of self in the process.
Due to being activated before his development was complete, Cell Max (Dragon Ball Super) has none of his template's intelligence and reasoning, and acts purely on feral rage, instinct, and bloodlust.
In his aptly named Runaway form, Mira (Super Dragon Ball Heroes) is consumed with intense rage and goes berserk.
When faced with life-threatening situations and deprived of his sword, Inuyasha (InuYasha) is taken over by his demonic blood, increasing all of his physical abilities, but leaving him in a berserker rage in which he cannot tell friend from foe.
To obtain the power of the Ghost ÄRM, Hydra, Chimera (Marchen Awakens Romance) allowed the ÄRM to erase her human emotions and memories. Once the transformation was complete, she had obtained the madness and behavior of the beast she fused with.
Before gaining control, Tony Tony Chopper's (One Piece) Monster Point transformation made him incredibly powerful but loses all sense and rationality.
When severely beaten, Atsushi Kumamoto (Solo Leveling) could enter a state of enraged frenzy, becoming the complete opposite of his normal self, attacking wildly with no sense of fear or self-control.
Utsutsu Hasegawa (Pupa) losing control to his Pupa instincts after learning what his "sister" really is, becoming a berserk monster.
James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel Comics) is prone to entering a "berserker rage" when in close combat, during which time he lashes out with the intensity and aggression of an enraged animal.
In his Madness form, Venom (Marvel Comics) becomes powerful enough to match the strength of the Juggernaut, but also more ruthless and psychotic.
When Super Sonic (Sonic the Comic) manifests and takes over Sonic's body, he is hyper aggressive, violent, and a danger to friend and foe alike.
In his past life as Takeshi Tatsuo, the Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IDW) harnessed a berserker rage that enabled him to slaughter an army of five thousand samurai by himself.
Due to the horrific side effects of a genetic drug, James Reeves (Spiderman: The Animated Series) began mutating into a wild man which made him completely feral and started living amongst wild beasts.
After losing his memory of the last six months of his life, Superboy (Young Justice), having not even existed six months ago, is reduced to a mindless animal driven by basic instincts.
After stealing the spirit totem, Kuasa (Arrowverse) became overwhelmed by the feral nature of the animal spirits as she mimics their abilities.
After being grafted to experimental technology, Brick Baxter/Cyber Shadow (The Young Guardians) enters a mindset of feral hatred, anger, and insanity.
Force Rage (Star Wars) is a dark side Force ability that allows users to tap into their negative emotions & convert rage boosted increase their own strength, speed, agility, endurance, stamina and ferocity...
...Darth Vader was one of the greatest masters in the use of Force Rage as he could draw upon his inner conflict and anger to magnify his hatred and maximize his fighting prowess, bolstering his aggression and durability in spite of his handicaps...
Live Television/Movies[]
The Mark of Cain (Supernatural) subjects the bearer to murderous rage so intense that they simply must kill something or die.
The Turok-Han (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) are ancient and powerful vampires who are as feral and single-minded as animals.
When angered, Tony (Misfits) enters a feral rage who kills anyone he comes across and grants him enhanced strength/durability.
Hydes (Wednesday) are extremely feral Outcasts when transformed, often nothing more than beasts, and revel in slaughtering anyone they see or are directed towards.
Tabletop/Video Games[]
After witnessing the destruction of an entire village, Asura (Asura's Wrath) enters an incredibly powerful berserker state.
The Viera (Final Fantasy) enter a frenzy when exposed to magical mist, which grants them enough strength to break metal chains and kill armored humans with their bare hands...
Though friendly and docile by day, by night, Remlits (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) become hyper aggressive and violent due to Batreaux's aura cursing Skyloft.
In its mega form, Tyranitar's (Pokémon) instincts become much more destructive, to the point where they might even ignore their trainer's order in their rampage.
...after extensive damage and mutations it loses track of its programmed objectives and becomes a mindless feral beast.
Iblis (Sonic the Hedgehog) is the raw power of Solaris, who's only coherent thoughts are wreaking havoc and causing destruction.
The Atrocity's (Spider-Man: Edge of Time) only coherent thought is getting revenge on Spider-Man for his perceived role in its creation.
Berserker Servants (TYPE-MOON) are possessed of incredible power, which comes at the cost of the loss of their higher mental faculties as a result of the Madness Enhancement.
Using Rage, Jonathan Reid (Vampyr) unleashes the beast within, losing control and striking with an unfettered fury.
The Amber Brotherhood (Warhammer) are a group of wizards and shamans who wield the power of Ghur to harness the savage nature of wild beasts.