Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of a Ao Andon, Combination of Ghost and Yokai Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Ao Andon Mimicry


User is/can become an Ao Andon. An Ao Andon is a powerful spirit of collective human terror that can only manifest after a ritual is performed. Similar to spirits such as Bloody Mary in other cultures, the ritual involves telling one hundred ghost stories and lighting a candle for each one, placing them each in small paper lanterns. Each time a story is complete, participants would snuff out a candle, and if the hundredth candle was snuffed out, the Ao Andon would manifest. It is unknown what the ghost would do, as legends claim the ritual seldom (if ever) were completed due to people being too terrified to finish it. That being said, the creature is often envisioned as a woman with demonic features, glowing bright blue and embodying the collective fears of all involved in summoning her to the world.





  • Can only manifest fully in our reality if summoned by the correct ritual.
  • Vulnerable to certain rituals and prayers, especially those of a Shrine Maiden or Shinto Priest.

Known Users[]

  • Ao Andon (Japanese Folklore)
  • Aoandon (Onmyoji)