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The ability to possess great skill in the creation and use of a fairy fort. Variation of Building Creation and Fairy Magic.

Also Called[]

  • Fairy Mound Creation


Users of this ability are capable of creating and using fairy forts, these are ancient and often ruined monuments that can be found in many areas of Europe (especially Ireland and Scotland) - while they were in reality ancient hill-forts and burial chambers mythology and folklore often believed them to be the residence of fairy folk and other supernatural entities.

Fairy Forts acted as gateways between the human world and the Other World (fairyland) - sometimes fairies would simply occupy pre-existing structures but other times they played vital roles in creating and empowering certain forts or mounds, much like fairy rings it was considered dangerous for mortals to go near Fairy Forts and if one dared to try and destroy or build over them great and terrible curses would befall them.

People who disrespected Fairy Forts risked having their lives shortened or dying on the spot, being cursed with terrible luck for the rest of their days, going mad or other phenomena - even those who trespassed unknowingly on Fairy Forts risked being caught by fairies and abducted, if such a fate befell a victim they may be forced to dance to exhaustion, become paralyzed by fairy arrows, fall into enchanted slumber or even completely vanish from existence.




  • Requires a victim to disturb the Fairy Fort to activate the negative phenomena.
  • Possible for negative phenomena to be completely negated if one approaches the Fairy Fort with respect (and permission from its owners).
  • Due to being created by fairies it has no effect on fairies / fay.
  • Due to being magical in nature they have no effect on Magic Immunity.
  • Charms designed to ward off fairy magic would also by extension protect against the negative influences of a nearby Fairy Fort.

Known Users[]

  • Varied Fay / Fairies (European Folklore)
  • Witte Wieven (Dutch Folklore)