Superpower Wiki
"When I took on the power of the Spectre. I thought that I was simply creating Earth-Prime. But I was also making something else, a new multiverse to replace the one that had fallen.
When we fought the Red Death, she thought she escaped from her timeline into an alternate one.
She’s from Earth-4125.
You’re numbering them?
I’ve had a bit of time on my hands, keeping an eye on threats to these new worlds."
― Oliver Queen and Barry Allen (Arrowverse/Flash) on how his Spectre powers recreated the multiverse

The power to recreate the multiverse from its beginning state in any way the user wishes. Sub-power of Recreation. Variation of Multiverse Creation.

Also Called[]

  • Multiversal Fixing
  • Multiversal Reformation
  • Multiverse Recreation/Reformation


User can recreate the multiverse from its beginning state in any way they wish. They can reform the multiverse by inducing a new Big Bang Event altered according to their wishes and even recreate a multiverse that was originally destroyed.




  • The recreation of a new multiverse will destroy all matter, time, and space from the old.
  • The newly created multiverse may have some inconsistencies or flaws which can be exploited by other Reality Warpers, unless fix accordingly.
  • Beings that exist outside the multiverse, such as Omnilocks, are not affected by the multiversal recreation.

Known Users[]

  • Oliver Queen/The Spectre (Arrowverse)
  • Above-All-Others (Marvel Comics)
  • Molecule Man/Owen Reece (Marvel Comics); via absorbing The Beyonder Race’s powers.
  • Reed Richards (Marvel Comics); with the Molecule Man.
  • Franklin Richards (Marvel Comics); with the Molecule Man.
  • Lord Drakkon (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Comic)
  • Supreme God Z (Super Robot Wars Z)

Known Powers[]

  • Super Genesis Wave (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)

