Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The ability to generate from within oneself fire and lightning and release them from the mouth. Sub-power of Electric-Fire Manipulation. Variation of Combined Breath, Elemental Breath and Energy Breath. Combination of Fire Breath and Electric Breath.

Also Called[]

  • Electric-Fire Breath
  • Fire-Electric Breath
  • Lightning-Fire Breath
  • Pyro-Electrokinetic/Electro-Pyrokinetic Breath


The user is able to generate and manipulate fire and lightning within them in a way that allows them to shape the exhaling of the effect. These shapes can include bursts, streams, spheres, even a mist of it from the mouth.




  • The rest of the user's body may not be able to resist the breath attack if it hits their body.
  • Fire Immunity/Heat Immunity.
  • Electrical Immunity.
  • Power Immunity.
  • Fire Absorption.
  • Electricity Absorption.
  • Unless they have resistance/immunity, the user risks harming themselves.
  • Might be weak against cold/water-based powers, which can put out the flames.
  • May require some form of internal fuel to keep the fire going, limiting how long it can be used.
  • User may not control this power causing it to kill by accident.
  • User must be able to breath in and out.
  • May be connected to Users lung capacity.
  • Can damage users' mouth if it is closed while discharging.
  • Can't use this power if the throat is damaged.

Known Users[]

  • Omni-Enhanced Heatblast (Ben 10 Reboot)
  • Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)
  • Yrael (Old Kingdom)
  • Leviathan (RWBY)

