The power to gain powers by hosting fire-based beings/forces in one’s body. Variation of Symbiosis and Elemental Symbiosis.
Also Called[]
- Fiery/Flame/Pyrokinetic Symbiosis
- Flame Being/Force Symbiosis
The user gains powers by hosting fire-based-based beings/forces in one’s body. These can include embodiments of fire elemental forces, ethereal beings associated with or in charge of fire and heat elements or even entities comprised of a particular heat power. The bond between entity and host can impart powerful fire-based abilities based on the force being used, but as with most forms of Symbiosis, it can come with a price.
- Elemental Symbiosis
- Fire Mode
- Heat Symbiosis
- Inorganic Manipulation
- Matter Manipulation
- Matter State Manipulation
- The fire entity may take over the host’s mind and/or body (Possession).
- Fiery force may harm or even destroy the host’s body.
- Host may develop vulnerabilities based on element’s nature, e.g., fire being weak against water.
- Fire Absorption/Fire Immunity/Fire Negation could defeat user.
Known Users[]
- Salamander Hosts (Black Clover)
- Jeanette Crane/Morningstar (Comico Comics)
- Liz Sherman (Dark Horse Comics)
- Takuya Kanbara (Digimon Frontier)
- Muhammad Avdol (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part III: Stardust Crusaders); via Magician's Red
- Phoenix Force Hosts (Marvel Comics)
- Zarathos Hosts (Marvel Comics)
- Matatabi Hosts (Naruto)
- Son Gokū Hosts (Naruto)
- Burnish (Promare)
- Spirit of Fire Shamans (Shaman King)
- Red Burst Users (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
- Angelus Hosts (Top Cow Comics)
Liz Sherman (Dark Horse Comics) is an extremely powerful pyrokinetic due to being the host of a fire elemental.