Superpower Wiki
"We are but going through the motions of a negotiation that was resolved before it ever began."
― Thanos when dealing with the One-Above-All (Marvel Comics)

The power to perceive the exact future with no mistakes. Ultimate variation of Precognition.

Also Called

  • Absolute/Perfect Precognition
  • Flawless Future Vision


User can foresee the exact futures and observe what will happen, and possess innate knowledge and insight of the events to come, with no mistakes and 100% certainty. Even if the future is changed by someone, it will mean nothing, as even the change on the future was already predicted by the user. Also, Precognitive Immunity does not protect the user against this power.




Known Users

  • Skadi (Brynhildr In The Darkness)
  • Doppio/Diavolo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Vento Aureo); via Epitaph
  • Merlin (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • The Fates (Disney's Hercules)
  • Sacheverell, He That Sees the Shape of Things to Come (Exalted); when awake

