The ability to be a master of wielding flying discs as weapons. Technique of Toy Manipulation. Variation of Improbale Weapon, Sports Equipment Proficiency, and Toy Weaponry.
Also Called[]
- Disc/Discus Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery/Proficiency
- Flying Disc Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery
- Frisbee Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery/Proficiency
The user, either innately or through training, is a master of using flying discs as a weapon of choice and as a tool.
- Disc Attacks
- Enhanced Accuracy
- Enhanced Precision
- Enhanced Throwing
- Object Cutting
- Spinning Attack
- Spinning Defense
- Chakram Proficiency
- Disc Projection
- Enhanced Combat Mastery
- Object Manipulation
- Sports Equipment Proficiency
- Throwing Weapon Proficiency
- Tornado Manipulation
- Toy Manipulation
- Toy Weaponry
- May require intense practice and discipline to attain required results.
- The wind may throw off the user's flying discs if strong enough.
- May require a degree of training or exposure.
- May take time to achieve mastery.
Known Users[]
- Go Go Tomago (Big Hero 6)
- Ultimate Disc Thrower (Danganronpa)
- Dick Grayson/Robin/Nightwing (DC Comics)
- Selina Kyle/Catwoman (DC Comics)
- Kiff (Kiff)
- Oldie (Live with Yourself!)
- Johnny Gallo/Ricochet (Marvel Comics)
- Rution/Ultraman Arc (Ultraman series); via Luna Armor