Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to utilize practices that are formulaic in nature. Sub-power of Scientific Arts. Variation of Supernatural Arts. Scientific version of Spell Arts.

Also Called[]

  • Equation Arts/Techniques
  • Formula Techniques
  • Formulaic Arts/Techniques


The user can utilize the Formula Arts, a specialized system of techniques based around formulaic power. Formulae (symbolic information expressions) are responsible for creating logically constructed representations of the world. They give observers and creators a way to methodically demonstrate the inherent nature of and design behind aspects of reality (energy, matter, shape, space, etc.). Normally, they are associated with sciences like chemistry and mathematics. In supernatural circumstances, one can utilize formulae to gain some sense of control over reality, not simply explain it. It is a way of wielding a unique form of logic to bring about uncanny effects.

Individuals who practice skill based on formulae are capable of controlling the world around them as if it was an equation. At lower levels, one can visualize their surroundings as if they were a set of symbolic figures, with each part representing a different existential aspect. At higher levels, one can wield formulae to demonstrate enhanced physical skill, combat ability or even use them to bring about specialized effects like elemental manipulation. The highest-level practitioners can take control of reality itself, using symbolically expressive power to rewrite existence according to their personal design.





  • Formula Absorption/Knowledge Absorption/Knowledge Erasure/Science Negation.
  • Lack of proper knowledge could lead to power loss or dangerous effects.
  • May only be able to use specific type of formula.
  • Formulaic power requires proper design/practice to successfully execute effects.
  • May be unintentionally overwhelmed and/or possessed thanks to techniques.
  • May be limited to types of techniques (enhancement, logic alteration, existential manipulation, etc.).

Known Users[]



