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The power to become an Fouke Monster. Variant Sasquatch Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Fouke Monster Mimicry
  • Boggy Creek Monster Physiology


Users of this ability either are or can gain the traits of a Fouke Monster, a type of malevolent sasquatch said to haunt the Boggy Creek areas, depicted as massive and imposing monsters with thick fur, three fingers and toes, sharp fangs and a fearsome predatory nature they actively mutilate and devour livestock as well as attack humans, which ranks them as dangerous cryptids unlike the more timid and elusive "true" sasquatch.

While reports of monsters in and around the area has been noted since Native American times the monster only took off in popularity in fairly recent times and became a cultural icon, with several horror movies focusing on it.




Known Users[]

  • Fouke Monster (North American Folklore)
  • Fouke Monster (The Legend of Boggy Creek)