Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"It did not function. But it must function."
"Nothing could go wrong, Captain. It should work."
"A scientific fact. But if the tranquillizer does not function, which is clearly impossible, then a radical alteration of our thought patterns must be in order."
― Spock and McCoy (Star Trek)
"It is considered in the Foundation's best interests to ensure that the universe as a whole remains non-functional."
― SCP-4634

The ability to induce impairments to function. Sub-power of Functionality Manipulation. Opposite of Functionality Bestowal.

Also Called[]

  • Malfunction Inducement
  • Defect Inducement


The user can cause nearly anything to stop working properly, causing glitches to happen in target, such as making a door not open, make a book unreadable, make a target's powers not work properly, make a target's mind not work properly, making spoons and forks not pick up food, etc.




Known Users[]

  • Users of Rune, the second level of the cantrip Naming (World of Darkness)

Known Objects[]

  • Indulgence Disk (C3: CubexCursedxCurious)
  • SCP-4634 (SCP Foundation)