- "It did not function. But it must function."
- "Nothing could go wrong, Captain. It should work."
- "A scientific fact. But if the tranquillizer does not function, which is clearly impossible, then a radical alteration of our thought patterns must be in order."
- ― Spock and McCoy (Star Trek)
- "It is considered in the Foundation's best interests to ensure that the universe as a whole remains non-functional."
- ― SCP-4634
The ability to induce impairments to function. Sub-power of Functionality Manipulation. Opposite of Functionality Bestowal.
Also Called[]
- Malfunction Inducement
- Defect Inducement
The user can cause nearly anything to stop working properly, causing glitches to happen in target, such as making a door not open, make a book unreadable, make a target's powers not work properly, make a target's mind not work properly, making spoons and forks not pick up food, etc.
- Chaos Inducement
- Malfunction Manipulation
- Negation
- Object Manipulation
- Power Negation
- Purpose Manipulation
- Purpose Removal
- Stability Manipulation
- Superpower Manipulation
- Technology Manipulation
- May only be able to affect certain targets.
- Does not work on Eternal Function.
- May not be permanent.
- Functionality Bestowal can undo this ability.
Known Users[]
- Users of Rune, the second level of the cantrip Naming (World of Darkness)
Known Objects[]
- Indulgence Disk (C3: CubexCursedxCurious)
- SCP-4634 (SCP Foundation)