Superpower Wiki

Is the power to draw and manipulate the person(s) and other beings outcome of their events and writing their dialogues through papers. A sub-power of Literary Manipulation. Not to be confused with enhancted artistr

Also Called

  • Enhancted Future Manipulation
  • Outcome Drawing
  • Future Illustration


The user can draw what they want the person to do own paper then, write down their dialogues of what their outcome will be. They can also make other perform unlikely behavior that they would never do, and once they've done it they come do not really know when, where, why, or how they did what they did. For example, You can make the most kindest of man rape a woman just by drawing them commiting it and write down the dialougues.


  • Make one become brave and fearless by writing and drawing down their actions.
  • Make someone become your friend by drawing them becoming your friend.
  • Cause a very bad riot by writing and drawing it.
  • User can draw more future outcomes that will be futher in the future so that they will be prepared
  • Make sure the user's team mates do not mess up on anything
  • Make the presidents declare war.
  • Make nations leaders declare another world war.


  • If they user's drawing and dialougues they made for the people he/she created are torn apart, ripped burned, or destroyed in anyway the affects may ware off very fast.
  • Sometimes the outcomes my not go as planned if the user is not careful.
  • This is not magical meaning, the user can only control certain things such as, people, animals and some other beings. They cannot warp reality or make it storm.

Known Users

Peter (Misfits)
