Superpower Wiki
"Before creation was...I was. Where creation ends, I wait. I am the void. The breath between life and death, between death and rebirth. The nothing...from which everything springs."
― Oblivion (Marvel Comics)

The power to manipulate genesis. Sub-power of Event Manipulation. Opposite to Apocalypse Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Beginning of the World Control/Manipulation
  • Creation Control/Manipulation
  • Genesis Control


The user is able to manipulate genesis as an event, and thus manipulate how the event of genesis happens. It doesn't even have to be the whole world, but it can be a specific thing such as a specific civilization or planet.




  • Users of Omnilock are immune to this force and its effect.

Known Users[]

  • Oblivion (Marvel Comics)
  • Nyx (Valkyrie Crusade)