Superpower Wiki

Is the power to transform into another begin or specie via they genetic material. Combinatio of DNA Replication and Transformation

Know as

  • DNA Transformation


You can transform into a person or specie by usisng they genetic material. You can gain access to his genetic powers and abilities. Not only gains they powers, weakness is added.

To Specie Transformation: In geral by trasnform into another specie, part of you DNA and age affects the form, if you is male, you gone become a male example of the race, if you is a child, you is transformed in a child equivalent, even a unic trait can haves a effect on form, in the end this can variates of person to person. May you can becomes a half-bread to this race whit you

To Especific Person Transformation: You copy perfectaly they form and powers, diferent of the specie transformation you DNA or age don't affect the form

Aplications In geral


  • Needs the genetic sample to use
  • The transformation can be temporary
  • You can fall under the insticts of the specie


  • Ben Tenyson (Ben 10)
  • Albedo (Ben 10)
  • Kimbey Pet (Ben 10)