Superpower Wiki

The power to transform into another begin or species via they genetic material. Combination of DNA Replication and Transformation.

Also Called

  • DNA Transformation


You can transform into a person or specie by using they genetic material. You can gain access to his genetic powers and abilities. Not only gains they powers, weakness is added. Only one per time, you cannot combines the genes of different species or persons to creates a combined form

To Specie Transformation: In general by transforming into another specie, part of you DNA and age affects the form, if you is male, you gone become a male example of the race, if you is a child, you is transformed in a child equivalent, even a unic trait can haves a effect on form, in the end this can variates of person to person. May you can becomes a half-bread to this race whit you

To Especific Person Transformation: You copy perfectly they form and powers, different of the specie transformation you DNA or age don't affect the form



  • Needs the genetic sample to use
  • The transformation can be temporary
  • You can fall under the instincts of the specie
  • You cannot combines the form


  • Ben Tenyson (Ben 10)
  • Albedo (Ben 10)
  • Kimbey Pet (Ben 10)