- "This is kaiju!" Yojiro barked. "When did they ever give a damn about adhering to science!"
- ― Hiroshi Yamamoto, MM9
The ability to use the abilities of a giant monster. Variation of Monster Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Giant Kaiju/Monster Form
- Kaiju Physiology
- Titanic Monster Physiology
The user is or has the ability to take on the form of a gigantic monster, a creature that is often hideous and may produce fear or physical harm by either its appearance or its actions. The word "monster" derives from Latin monstrum, an aberrant occurrence, usually biological, that was taken as a sign that something was wrong within the natural order.
Giant monsters are remarkably variable in appearance and most have their own unique abilities and powers, the one fact that is common to them all is their immense size, endurance, and strength.
- Fear Inducement
- Feral Mind
- Large Size
- Natural Weaponry
- Power Detection
- Proportional Physicality
- Supernatural Condition
- Unnatural Aging
- Akkorokamui Physiology
- Alien Kaiju Physiology
- Behemoth Physiology
- Charybdis Physiology
- Cybernetic Kaiju Physiology
- Cyclops Physiology (varies)
- Daidarabotchi Physiology
- Daikaiju
- Gashadokuro Physiology
- Giant Physiology
- Giant Dragon Physiology
- Giant Robot Physiology
- Giant Werebeast Physiology
- Hydra Physiology
- Jörmungandr Physiology
- Kraken Physiology
- Leviathan Physiology
- Ogre Physiology (varies)
- Radioactive Monster Physiology
- Roc Physiology
- Tentacle Monster Physiology (varies)
- Ziz Physiology
- Apex Predator
- Classic Monsters
- Cryptid Physiology
- Dinosaur Physiology
- Divine Beast Physiology
- Divine Monster Physiology
- Giant Animal Physiology
- Giant Monster Manipulation
- Giant Physiology
- Giant Monster Mode
- Monster Physiology
- Monster Soul
- Mutant Physiology
- Mythical Bestiary
- Ogre Physiology
- Changing may be difficult.
- Most aren't particularly intelligent.
- May lose sentience in a transformed state.
- Their size makes them very obvious and practically impossible to miss, in every way possible.
- May find difficulty in coexisting with humanity, especially with one that is essentially a living natural disaster.
Known Monsters[]
See Also: Kaiju and Kaiju Works.
Folklore/Mythology/Urban Legend[]
- Loch Ness Monster (Celtic Mythology)
- Typhon (Greek Mythology)
- Apep (Eqyptian Mythology)
- Jörmungandr (Norse Mythology)
- Fenrir (Norse Mythology)
- Cirein-cròin (Scottish Gaelic)
- Leviathan (Judeo-Christianity)
- Yamata no Orochi (Japanese Mythology)
- Kraken (18th-Century Folklore)
- Organism 46-B (Cryptozoology/Urban-Legend)
- Cyclops (Greek Mythology)
- Gashadokuro (Japanese Mythology/Urban-Legend)
- Karathen (Aquaman)
- Clover (Cloverfield)
- Vamola (Dandadan); via Kaiju suit
- Demeking (Demeking: The Sea Monster)
- Titans (Disney's Hercules)
- Various Kaiju (Gamera)
- The Giant Claw (The Giant Claw)
- Kaiju/Daikaiju (Godzilla)
- Kaiju (Kaiju No. 8)
- King Kong (King Kong)
- George (Rampage)
- Ralph (Rampage)
- Lizzie (Rampage)
- Pulgasari (Pulgasari); via Metal-Eating Growth
- Earth Giants (Frozen 2)
- Insectosaurus (Monsters vs Aliens)
- The Aliens (Monsters: Dark Continent)
- Sando aqua monster (Star Wars)
- Exogorth (Star Wars)
- Summa-verminoth (Star Wars)
- Titans (MonsterVerse)
- King Ghidorah (MonsterVerse)
- Mechagodzilla (MonsterVerse)
- Various Monsters (Monsters, Inc.)
- Ted
- Kaiju (Pacific Rim)
- Mega Kajiu (Pacific Rim Uprising)
- Yonggary (Reptilian)
- Giant monsters (Rumble)
- Deka-Mido (Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo)
- Godmother (Underwater)
- Jörmungandr (Beauchamp Family series)
- Nemesis (Project Nemesis)
- Melkor/Morgoth (The Silmarillion)
- Ancalagon the Black (The Silmarillion)
- Balrogs (Lord of the Rings)
- Sandworm (Dune)
- Fanoxean (The Young Guardians)
Live Television[]
- Boonboomger Robo Monster (Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger)
- Cho Zenkai Gattaiju ZenKaijuOh (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger)
- HaKaijuOh (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger)
- Jamen Beasts (Mashin Sentai Kiramager)
- Hildon
- Ligany
- Shellga
- Basra
- Dagames
- Gomoryu
- Minosaur Complete Body (Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger)
- Space Dragon (Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger)
- Daitanix (Seijuu Sentai Gingaman)
- Giant (Supernatural)
- Mind Flayer (Stranger Things)
- Kaiju/Terrible-Monsters (Ultra Series)
- Gomess
- Pagos
- Garamon
- Gomora/Powered Gomora
- King Red King/Powered Red King
- Telesdon/Powered Telesdon
- Neronga
- Bemular
- Antlar
- Gabora/Powered Gabora
- Aboras/Powered Aboras
- Banila/Powered Banila
- Guesra
- Gamakujira
- Gubira
- Kemular/Powered Kemular
- Jamila/Powered Jamila
- Pestar/Powered Pestar
- Zambolar/Powered Zambolar
- Dodongo
- Dorako/Powered Dorako
- Woo
- Zaragas
- Gyango
- Seabozu
- Geronimon
- Zetton/Powered Zetton
- Windam
- Miclas
- Agira
- Eleking
- Giradorus
- Gabura
- Dinosaur Tank
- Rigger
- Petero
- Cake People Mutant (Adventure Time)
- Gumball Guardian Mutant (Adventure Time)
- Garbage Monster (Ben 10)
- Zivon (Bionicle)
- Tahtorak (Bionicle)
- Kanohi Dragon (Bionicle)
- Gadunka (Bionicle)
- Ancient Sea Behemoth (Bionicle)
- Typhoeus (Class of the Titans)
- Kangaroo Monsters (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
- Dexter and Dee Dee's Monster Forms (Dexter's Laboratory)
- Bedaxtra (Dexter's Laboratory)
- Titans (Final Space)
- Belloc Rosenblatt (Firebreather)
- All mutants monsters (Godzilla: The Series)
- Po Kong (Jackie Chan Adventure)
- The Great Devourer (Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
- Sentimonsters (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir)
- Strikeback
- Andy Beast (Monster High)
- Insectosaurus (Monster vs. Aliens)
- Zillo Beast (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
- Malachite (Steven Universe)
- Monster Steven (Steven Universe Future)
- Don Robertson/Multi-Farious (Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters)
- Kaiju Boy (Pacific Rim: The Black)
- Herbert Landon (Spider-Man: The Animated Series)
- Homerzilla (The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror)
- King Homer (The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror)
- Monsters (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Cragera (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
- Kittyra (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
- Tokka (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012)
- Gusano Grande (What's New, Scooby-Doo?)
- 30 Foot Shaggy (What's New, Scooby-Doo?)
- Blacktop (Zevo-3)
- Titano (DC Comics)
- Fin Fang Foom (Marvel Comics)
- Gog (Marvel Comics)
- Set (Marvel Comics)
- Giganto (Marvel Comics)
- Krakoa (Marvel Comics)
- Gorgilla (Marvel Comics)
- Googam (Marvel Comics)
- Orrgo (Marvel Comics)
- Goom (Marvel Comics)
- Tundra (Marvel Comics)
- Apocalypse Beast (Marvel Comics)
- Furnax (Marvel Comics)
- Fredzilla (Marvel Comics)
- Todd Ziller/American Kaiju (Marvel Comics)
- "Source of All Living Matter"/"The Anomaly" (Attack on Titan)
- Titans (Attack on Titan)
- Nine Titans (Attack on Titan)
- Ayon (Bleach)
- Gillians (Bleach)
- Hooleer (Bleach)
- Yammy Llargo (Bleach); via Resurrección
- Choe Neng Poww (Bleach); via Resurrección
- Gargantua (Overlord)
- Dark Youngs (Overlord)
- Gigantic Digimon (Digimon)
- Giran (Dragon Ball)
- Great Apes (Dragon Ball series)
- Hirudegarn (Dragon Ball Z)
- Agnilasa (Dragon Ball Super)
- Cell Max (Dragon Ball Super)
- Nova (Freezing)
- Household Vessel Users (Magi The Labrinth of Magic); via Assimilation
- Voltaire (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
- Hakutenou (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
- Many Guardian ÄRMs (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Chimera (Marchen Awakens Romance); fused with the Ghost ÄRM, Hydra
- Saturn (Marchen Awakens Romance); after the Darkness ÄRM, Finsternis was destroyed
- Abyss Dancer (Hero Killer)
- Godzillo (My Hero Academia)
- Nega-Suu (Monster Musume)
- Kii (Monster Musume); temporarily
- Tailed Beasts (Naruto)
- Angels (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
- Sea Kings (One Piece)
- Kaidou (One Piece); via the Uo Uo no Mi/Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Seiryu/Azure Dragon
- Saint Jaygarcia Saturn (One Piece); via unknown Zoan Devil Fruit
- Saint Topman Warcury (One Piece); via unknown Zoan Devil Fruit
- Saint Shepard Ju Peter (One Piece); via unknown Zoan devil fruit
- Saint Marcus Mars (One Piece); via unknown Zoan Devil Fruit
- Various Mysterious Beings (One-Punch Man)
- Kuroe Akashi (Otome Kaijuu Caraméliser)
- Orochi (Yaiba)
- Rakan/The Monarch of Fangs (Solo Leveling)
- Mothmacin (Sonic X)
- Mongroun (Sonic X)
- Clear Note (Zatch Bell!); in his final form
- Demolt (Zatch Bell!)
- Riou (Zatch Bell!)
Video Games[]
- Every Boss (Blood of Bahamut)
- Phlegyas (Dante's Inferno)
- Titans (Doom)
- Icon of Sin (Doom Eternal)
- Swine Prince/King/God (Darkest Dungeon)
- Adamantoise (Final Fantasy XY)
- Kraken (Gears of War)
- Riftworm (Gears of War)
- Earth Defenders (Godzillla Unleashed)
- Five Giant Monsters (Creatures Of Sonaria)
- Korathos
- Geortharoc
- Kavouradia
- Caldonterrus
- Boreal Warden
- Global Defense Force Mechas (Godzillla Unleashed)
- Mutants (Godzillla Unleashed)
- Aliens (Godzillla Unleashed)
- Primal Beasts (Granblue Fantasy)
- Kaiju (Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim)
- Gigachu
- Mossra
- Sedora
- Megaricus
- Garudan
- Turpio
- Tephra
- Kaiju (Kaiju Combat)
- Cho'Gath (League of Legends); via Consumptive Growth
- Thresher Maws (Mass Effect)
- Kalros
- Leviathan (Mass Effect)
- Dalamadur (Monster Hunter)
- Laviente (Monster Hunter)
- Eternatus (Pokémon)
- Colossi (Shadow of the Colossus)
- Titans (Skylanders)
- Fire Viper (Skylanders)
- Sand Monster (Skylanders)
- Guacamole Monster (Skylanders)
- Hydra (Skylanders)
- Leviathan (Skylanders)
- Chompy Mage (Skylanders); via Giant Chompy Form
- Evil Sea Monster (Skylanders)
- Rainfish (Skylanders)
- Leviathan (Starcraft)
- Gorog (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II)
- Dark Gaia (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Luchadores (Rayman Legends)
- El Luchador
- Geortharoc (Creatures of Sonaria)
- Caldonterrus (Creatures Of Sonaria)
- Monsters (Rampage! Total Destruction)
- Fenrir (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Monsters (War of the Monsters)
- Sharkjira/Magmajira (Hungry Shark Evolution)
- Behemoth/Behellmouth (Hungry Shark Evolution)
- Shin Sharkjira (Hungry Shark World)
- Kaiju (GigaBash)
- Mag Agent: Gestalt/Project Gestalt (Madness Combat/Project Nexus)
- Kojira ("Destroy All Humans! 2")
Tabletop Games[]
- Tarrasque (Dungeons and Dragons)
Web Animation/Comics/Series/Original[]
- Horrorterrors (Homestuck)
- Red (NES Godzilla Creepypasta)
- Solomon (NES Godzilla Creepypasta)
- Leviathan (RWBY)
- SCP-2954-2 instances - Looping Kaiju Killing (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3700-1 and SCP-3700-2 - Tides of War (SCP Foundation)
- The Kaiju (There's Something About...)
While the mysterious source of the Titan powers (Attack on Titan) started out as a human-sized worm/centipede when it first bonded with its original host...
The Titans (Skylanders) are a race of giant monsters that are so massive that they use volcanoes as hot tubs.
After gathering enough negative energy, Fanoxean (The Young Guardians) can transform into a colossal beast with immense power.
Due to being the result of countless Hollows merging together, Gillians (Bleach) are Hollows the larger than buildings.
Yamata No Orochi (Yaiba) is the most massive monster in the entire series as well as the entire country of japan itself.
Chimera’s (Marchen Awakens Romance) denial of her humanity allowed her to obtain the monstrous power of the Ghost ÄRM, Hydra. With her memories erased, Chimera shares the body and the mind of the vile creature the ÄRM fused her with.
After it broke, the Darkness ÄRM, Finsternis' compensation mutated Saturn (Marchen Awakens Romance) into a giant canine monster.
After his Shin Kuria Seunousu spell was destroyed, Clear Note (Zatch Bell!) was able to undergo his final transformation into a colossal monster. In this form, Clear has enough power to annihilate all that exists.
Before Ragnarok, Fenrir (Norse Mythology) will be freed and will go forth with his mouth opened wide, his upper jaw touching the sky and his lower jaw the earth.
Jörmungandr, the World Serpent (Norse Mythology) is so large that it was able to surround the earth and grasp its own tail.
After assimilating with their Household Spirits, Seiryu and Kokuhyou (Magi The Labyrinth of Magic) transform into monstrous versions of Hakuryuu Djinns Zagan and Belial.
SCP-3700 (SCP Foundation) is an area in the North Sea where the Orcadian spirits Sea Mither and Teran fight in an endless cycle of death and rebirth in the forms of a six kilometer tall European Lobster (SCP-3700-1) and a 32-kilometer-long pelican eel (SCP-3700-2).
Todd Ziller/American Kaiju (Marvel Comics) was transformed into a giant monster after being exposed to Gamma enhancements, Mutant Growth Hormone, Pym Particles and the Lizard Formula by Project Troubleshooter, the US Military's latest program meant to recreate the Super-Soldier Serum.
Gamera, the Giant Monster Turtle (Gamera Series) a friend of humanity and eternel rival of Godzilla.
Strikeback (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir) is a giant Sentimonster created by Shadow Moth that is almost as tall as the Eiffel Tower.
Mag Agent: Gestalt/Project Gestalt (Madness Combat/Project Nexus), an artificial, cybernetically augmented, magnified Abomination.