The power to deal greater damage against specific types of creatures/entities. Sub-power of Greater Effectiveness. Opposite to Lesser Damage Effectivity.
Also Called[]
- Damage-Related Type Advantages
- Individualist Higher Damage
- Selective/Conditional Damage Leveraging
- Specific Damage Advantage
- Specific Greater Damage
- Super Effectiveness (Pokémon)
- Type-Based Effective Damage
The user possesses the capacity to inflict greater damage against certain types of creatures or entities, such as ones of a certain elemental nature, physiology, personality, who live in a certain environment, etc., than against others.
- Adaptive Damage
- Critical Impact
- Damage Amplification - Limited to the creatures/entities of which user is effective against.
- Maximized Damage - Limited to the creatures/entities of which user is effective against.
- User may be limited to only a single effective type of target.
- Useless against types of targets user isn't effective against.
- Advantage Removal users can remove their advantage.
- Damage Negation, Damage Reflection, Damage Removal, Damage Reduction users can negate or nullify their attacks.
Known Users[]
- Heavy Leomon (Digimon)
- Servants (Fate/Grand Order); via attributes
- Units (Fire Emblem series); via weapon triangle
- Pokémon (Pokémon); via type advantage
- Tsuyoshi Kawabata (TSUYOSHI)
Known Objects[]
- Lex Luthor's Warsuit (DC Comics)
- Dramon Destroyers (Digimon)
- Falchion (Fire Emblem series)
- Weaponry possessing "Effective against X" (Fire Emblem series)
- Smite, Bane of Arthropods, and Impaling Enchantments (Minecraft)
Lex Luthor's Warsuit (DC Comics) wields Kryptonite weaponry that is especially effective against Kryptonians.
WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon (Digimon) both wield the Dramon Destroyers, special gauntlets that are particularly dangerous against Dramon-type Digimon.
Various enchantments like Smite and Impaling (Minecraft) deal more damage to certain mobs when applied to a weapon. Bane of Arthropod in particular does more damage to arthropods. Likewise Impaling does more damage to aquatic mobs and in Bedrock edition it does greater damage to players and mobs submerged in water or under rain.