Superpower Wiki
"You fight me as if I live, Lantern. I do not. I am Death."
― Nekron to Thaal Sinestro (DC Comics)
"Death is always pointless, that is the point."
― Anubis (Gargoyles)
"A Reaper. There's Reaper lore in pretty much every culture on Earth. It goes by 100 different names. It's possible that there's more than one of them. Reapers stop time. You can only see them when they're coming at you."
― Dean Winchester, Supernatural
"Death comes for us all."
― DAGames - Die Die Die
"And I don't mean it metaphorically, or rhetorically, or poetically or theoretically or in any other fancy way. I'm Death. Straight. Up."
― The Wolf, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

The power to possess the traits or is a grim reaper. Variation of Psychopomp. Not to be confused with Lethal Physiology, Death Derivation or Death Embodiment. Not to be confused with just Death.

Also Called[]

  • Angel of Death Physiology
  • Collector of Souls
  • Death Angel/Demon/Spirit Physiology
  • Grim Reaper Form/Mimicry


The users are or can transform into a Grim Reaper, which is another form of the personification of Death. Death is frequently imagined as a personified force. In some mythologies and folklore, a character is known as the Grim Reaper, who, after Death, collects a person's soul. These types of beings are a form of psychopomp, which means the 'guide of souls' are creatures, spirits, angels, demons, or deities in many religions whose responsibility is to escort newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife. Their role is not to judge the deceased but to guide them. However, unlike many Psychopomps grim reapers have been able to possess the touch of death, while still limited to the mandate of a mortal's lifespan, unable to take them before their time in most circumstances. Grim reapers have been depicted in different times and cultures as anthropomorphic entities, horses, deer, dogs, whip-poor-wills, ravens, crows, vultures, owls, sparrows and cuckoos; these users have the powers and responsibilities related to Death. Grim Reapers are seen as cloaked skeletal winged figures with scythes or sickles claiming the deceased's souls. Who takes them to their respected afterlives; however, this is not always the case, and they have been seen in various forms throughout history, even appearing as angels, demons, spirits, as well as humanoid entities.

The most powerful of these types of death-related beings is Death itself, the source of the act of Death itself and an embodiment of it. If they are race-related, Grim Reapers themselves wouldn't be on par with this type of source being, merely working under it.

Applications (General)[]

  • Various Death Based Powers: Powers that are related to death.
  • Various Spiritual Powers: Powers that are related to supernatural forces, including ghosts, demons, or other astral planes.
  • Various Soul Powers: Power related to soul manipulation, forms of souls, or associates with the soul.

Applications (Detailed)[]

  • Afterlife Lordship: Have authority and duty in the Afterlife, a place where the souls of all recently departed go.
    • Afterlife Manipulation: Control the afterlife, including places such as Heaven, Hell, purgatory, limbo, the Underworld, and other places that could be considered the afterlife.
      • Afterlife Border: Control the movement and communication over the border between life and death, allowing the living and dead to communicate.
      • Afterlife Connection: Connect the living world to the world of death/the afterlife, linking the land of death and the dead and spirits and souls to the realm of life and existence, allowing both worlds to interact with each other.
      • Afterlife Marking: Leave a supernatural imprint and mark that determines which afterlife the target goes too after they die, allowing them to be judged and sorted easily and send to where a person's soul will go for their final rest.
      • Afterlife Messaging: Deliver messages to others even when they are dead, and they are in spirit or essence form.
      • Afterlife Prevention: Prevent the souls of others from entering the afterlife, either leaving the victim stranded in Limbo or rendering them unable to die.
      • Afterlife Transport: Capable of taking the souls of others, willingly or otherwise, to the afterlife.
      • Afterlife Traversal: Travel between the living world and the land of the dead, freely and safely navigating both the life and afterlife side and any adjacent dimensions connecting the two.
    • Guardianship: Guardians are often those who are of noble birth or a high position of great historical or legendary importance.
      • Afterlife Guardian: Transform into an afterlife guardian/protector, figure/entity that preserves the balance in the afterlife.
  • Angel Physiology: Possess the traits, attributes, and abilities of, transform into, or be or is an angel. (Varies)
    • Angelic Aura: Surround themselves in glorious angelic energy. It is impressively sacred; it can also turn others into angels as well and can cause goodness. (Varies)
      • Halo Generation: Create single or more halos, a ring, wheel or glow usually formed of light, but fire is also common, around themselves, usually above the head. (Varies)
    • Angelic Wings: Have or possess the ability to manifest or generate two or multiple pairs of powerful wings on themselves at will as a natural feature of their divine and celestial species. (Varies)
  • Dark Divinity: Possess a dark form of Divinity, these types of users have Divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane; however, their divine source is darker while still being considered "holy" beings.
  • Death Connection: Connected to any/all death and dying things so that as long as they exist, death does as well. Allowing them to have both an emotional and spiritual link to every form of death.
    • Death Absorption: Absorb death and the essence of death while removing it from the source into their body and using it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves or gaining the drained power. Using it as a power source, etc., either temporarily or permanently.
    • Symbiotic Connection: Have a supernatural connection with living or non-living subject, allowing them to actively search through its mind, sense emotional turmoil or danger, and above all, become an extension of its life-force.
    • Unimind: Able to connect with anything living and non-living in existence and their essence.
  • Death Embodiment: Power of Death itself or a personification of Death representing it. Death Embodiment is notably able to ignore ALL forms of Immortality because it's the omnipotent personification of Death, possessing near unlimited control over it, the ultimate knowledge of everything related to it, and being everywhere. Death is the second most powerful death-based ability
    • Afterlife Connecting: Connect the living world to the world of death/the afterlife, linking the land of death and the dead and spirits and souls to the realm of life and existence, allowing both worlds to interact with each other.
    • Afterlife Transport: Capable of taking the souls of others, willingly or otherwise, to the afterlife.
    • Contaminant Immunity: Immune to poisons, toxins, venoms, viruses, bacteria, parasites, pathogens, allergen, etc.
    • Death Aspect Manifestation: Death aspects are different points of view of how people die, how they will die, or how they should die.
    • Death-Force Manipulation: Create, shape, and manipulate the essence of Death, which is present in all mortals throughout the universe and is the opposite power of Life-Force Manipulation. In contrast, Life-Force is the essence that allows life to flourish; death-force is that which causes things to wither, rot, weaken, and eventually die.
    • Death Empowerment: Stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by the deaths of others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers.
    • Death Manipulation: Decide, determine and manipulate the cause(s) of death, allowing them to determine and control when, how, where, and why someone dies and even induce the circumstances and events that will lead to the target appointed death.
      • Death Defiance: Defy death itself, no matter how deadly or dangerous the situation is, allowing for surviving anything with ease.
      • Death Inducement: Kill anyone and possibly even anything using varying means, either instantly, slowly over time, after certain conditions are met, or after a certain period of time has passed.
        • Death Field Projection: Emit a field around them that kills every living thing that is in it (Animals, humans, plants). User may be able to decide what dies and what lives, or at least train to do so.
        • Fatal Touch: Kill anyone that touches it. It can be induced or automatically activated. Its activation varies: some users can activate the power when they want to, but other times it's permanently active and makes for a perfect defense.
        • Killing Eyes: Kill anyone or anything via looking at someone and/or by having the target look at the user.
      • Death Negation: Negate and cancel out some or even all kinds of deaths from oneself and others.
      • Death Removal: Remove the death of anyone or anything, including all aspects of death, forcing them to stay alive regardless of pain, infirmity, medical conditions or anything else.
    • Cemetery Manipulation: Create and manipulate cemeteries and other such burial grounds, places where the remains of dead people are buried or otherwise interred, and everything in them.
      • Cemetery Lordship: Authority and control over cemeteries and everything on them, such as spirits, the dead, corpses, skulls, etc.
    • Killing Intuition: Innate knowledge of how to kill any living being regardless of how powerful they are. This ability comes in great significance when dealing with seemingly unstoppable opponents and allows user to end their lives with reasonable efficiency.
    • Necromancy: Either has magical abilities or has powers that revolve around manipulating the dead, death, the death force, and souls for good (i.e., resurrecting the dead), evil (in various ways), or neither.
    • Necropresence: Simultaneously, death exists everywhere, where those about to die are present and where the dead manifest or reside.
    • Necroscience: Knows almost everything about/of death or anything related to the dead, including everyone dead, how they died, everything about their death, everything they went through, etc.
      • Death Sense: Sense the coming of death, determining when someone is dead or dying or if others have died in a specific location.
    • Nether Manipulation: Create, shape, and manipulate Nether, the "Chthonian Element" that flows through the realms of the living and the Dead.
    • Resurrection: Bring oneself and others back to life. While this power is similar to necromancy in that it raises the dead, resurrection is different in that it fully restores a creature's body, mind, and soul to full health. At the same time, reanimation only creates undead with varying cognitive functions.
    • Soul Removal: Remove the souls from others, possibly resulting in apathy and psychopathy due to a lack of emotions, especially empathy.
  • Death Illusion: Kill their target through illusions. If the illusion is powerful enough, it can convince the brain to copy anything that happens to the victim within the illusion, making it possible to kill the target with illusions.
  • Death Magic: Utilize powerful spells that involve death itself, which can be an extremely potent magic that can cause any living thing to die or cause powerful spells using the supernatural forces of death, either instantly or eventually.
  • Death Presence: Mere presence in the area or proximity around them is the same as death itself by producing death-force energies that effects and change their surrounding areas through the user's aura.
  • Death Weaponry: Create or wield weaponry with power over death force, which grants the user a wide variety of death force-based abilities.
    • Scythe Proficiency: Either innately or through training, they are masters of wielding scythes, an agricultural hand tool for mowing grass or gleaning crops. Most users can slice through the enemies accurately and precisely without being hindered by the scythe's heavyweight, cleaving through them effortlessly.
      • Death Slash: Combine death effects and forces to attacks with bladed weapons.
  • Lethal Physiology: A walking aspect or beacon of death or lethality, making every part of their body and nature fatal to others, including blood and bodily fluids, touch, sight, appearance, voice, shadow, breath, aura, etc.
  • Spirit/Transcendent Physiology

The Death[]

Not all Grim Reapers are “Death” itself, however the main entity itself will be much more powerful than normal Grim Reapers.

  • Absolute Immortality: Immortal, and cannot die, age, get sick, be permanently wounded, are self-sustained, and, as their mind and soul are as immortal as their biological bodies, they are both immune to mental and spiritual damage.
  • Death: Death is a powerful primordial cosmic entity that represents not only the act of death itself, but also the dead and those that are dying.
  • Death Derivation
  • Death Lordship: Absolute control over anything without a heartbeat such as death and all things dead, allowing them to have limitless control over everyone and everything that is dead, and manipulate all things related to death including the undead.
  • Death Transcendence: Exceed or transcend the limitations and concept of their death, allowing them to do things like continue to live on, regardless of the fact they were destined or fated to die or disappear. And even transcend an unconscious and undead state by making themselves alive and much more.
  • Decay Embodiment: The embodiment of the natural forces of rot, decay and eventual death. Users possess all the powers of necrosis, wither, rot and the processes of death, and can even be empowered by it.
  • Meta Death-Force Manipulation: Even able to the force of Death at an absolute level, gaining unimaginable power and great abilities involving all the death-force in the multiverse and everything connected to them in all aspects, physical, spiritual, mental, metaphysical, etc.
  • Omnicide: Wipe out all life in existence, excluding themselves.
  • Omnislayer: Kill any being and slaughter entire races of even the most powerful entities. Some users of this power have an unquenchable desire to kill, and power which allows them to massacre beings who were previously thought to be unstoppable.
  • Skeleton Physiology: Transform into a skeleton, a type of physically manifested undead often found in fantasy, horror fiction, and mythical art.
  • Transcendent Cosmic Entity: Death could be a cosmic entity, a being who possesses powers so great they can affect entire worlds, stars, planetary systems, and galaxies (or, in some cases, entire universes). Death could have power that is so great in power they affect the entire multiverse and beyond and have authority over other cosmic beings and could either be a pantheon or a single entity taking on the responsibility of a collective group instead. (Varies)
  • Undead Divinity: An undead form of divinity, giving them divine and death-related powers that grants them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane, making the users divine undead beings by nature and a dark divine being.


Types of Grim Reaper[]


Known Users[]

See Also: The Grim Reaper.

  • Angels of Death (Mythology/Folklore)
    • Azrael (Islam)
    • Raguel (Judeo-Christianity)
  • Demons of Death (Mythology/Folklore)
    • Abaddon/Appolyon (Judeo-Christianity)
    • Azazel (Judeo-Christianity)
    • Santa Muerte (Mexican Folklore)
  • The Grim Reaper (Mythology/Folklore)
  • Reapers (Dead Like Me)
  • Gravelings (Dead Like Me)
  • Grim (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
  • Grim Reaper (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment)
  • Grim Reaper (Highschool DxD)
  • Bennia (Highshool DxD)
  • Grim Junior (Grim Tales)
  • Death of the Endless (DC/Vertigo Comics)
  • Nekron (DC Comics)
  • Black Flash (DC Comics)
  • Black Hand (DC Comics)
  • Mandy (Grim Tales)
  • Shinigami (Death Note)
  • Death (Discworld)
  • Mannish Boy (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part III Stardust Crusaders); via Death 13
  • Botan (Yu Yu Hakusho)
  • Soul Reapers (Bleach)
  • Shinigami-sama (Soul Eater)
  • Death (Death is My BFF Series)
  • Death (Harry Potter)
  • Death (Family Guy)
  • Death's Dog (Family Guy)
  • Death's Mother (Family Guy)
  • Peter Griffin (Family Guy); temporarily
  • Death (Regular Show)
  • Death (Dante's Inferno)
  • Death (Darksiders)
  • Angel of Death (Charmed)
  • Piper Halliwell (Charmed); temporarily
  • Morty (Click)
  • The Saint of Killers (Preacher)
  • Komachi Onozuka (Touhou Project)
  • Card-Hunting Death God (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
  • Guardian Deathscythe (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
  • God of Death (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
  • Death (Marvel Comics)
  • Thanatos/Mors (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Ankou (Celtic Mythology)
  • Luison (Guraui Mythology)
  • Kamatayan (!OkaTokat)
  • Death (Final Destination Movie Series)
  • Death (Final Destination Novels)
  • Greg (Conker's Bad Fur Day)
  • Death (Supernatural)
  • Reapers (Supernatural)
  • Shachath (American Horror Story: Asylum)
  • Papa Legba (American Horror Story: Coven)
  • Death Jr./DJ (Death Jr.)
  • Chiba (Accuracy of Death)
  • Phil (The Mighty Boosh)
  • Shinigami (Naruto)
  • Guardian ÄRM, Death (Marchen Awakens Romance)
  • The Ender (Reaper)
  • Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji)
  • William T. Spears (Kuroshitsuji)
  • Grell Sutcliff (Kuroshitsuji)
  • Death (Marvel)
  • Grim Reaper (American Dragon: Jake Long)
  • Phantomon (Digimon)
  • MetalPhantomon (Digimon)
  • Reaper (Bakugan)
  • River Styxx (Monster High)
  • Phantasm (Batman: Mask of Phantasm)
  • Death (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Samael (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Death the Kid (Soul Eater)
  • Mr Reaper (Spookiz)
  • Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
  • Yakou Madara (Kajiri Kamui Kagura)
  • Malthael (Diablo)
  • Grim Creeper (Skylanders Series)
  • Hood Sickle (Skylanders Trap Team)
  • Kohaku (Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji)
  • Izayoi (Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji)
  • Death (Last Action Hero)
  • Uncle Death (Let It Die)
  • Phantom (Grindhouse and Watercolors)
  • Death (Fables)
  • The Sisters Grimm (Shadows of the Dammed)
  • SCP-3540-1 and SCP-3540-2 - Don't Queer the Reaper (SCP Foundation)
  • SCP-4999 - Someone to Watch Over Us/The Small Death (SCP Foundation)
  • Nemty (Egyptian Mythology)
  • Death (Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark)
  • Mori Calliope (hololive)
  • Death-sensei (hololive)
  • Death (Adventure Time)
  • Grim Reaper Minosaur (Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger)


Adult Animation[]




Live Television/Movies[]

Video Games[]

Web Cartoon/Animations/Originals[]

