The power to manipulate gummies. Sub-power of Candy Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Gummi Control
- Gummy Manipulation
The user has the power to create and control gummies, a broad category of gelatin-based chewable sweets.
- Gummi Attacks
- Gummi Constructs
- Gummi Generation
- Manipulate the properties of gummies.
- Move/lift gummies.
- Flight with gummies.
- Matter Surfing by riding a mass of gummies.
- Confection Manipulation
- Food Manipulation
- Fruit/Vegetable Manipulation - candied fruits.
- Sugar Manipulation
- May be unable to create candy, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
- Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
- Super Eating
Known Users[]
- Gummi Homer (The Simpsons Game)
- Gummi User (Candy Flurry)