The power to be a half-animal. Variation of Hybrid Physiology and Animal Physiology. Not to be confused with Animal Hybrid Physiology or Werebeast Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Half-Animal Form/Mimicry
The user with this ability either is or can become a half-animal, either by mating or by genetic experiments. This grants them animalistic powers with both the sentience and free will of a human.
- Might still have the same weakness as their animal half, though they might still be able to adapt to certain unsuitable environments over time depending on what the other half entails.
Known Users[]
- Splicers (DC Animated Universe)
- Human Chimera (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Menagerie (Image Comics)
- Human/Animal Hybrids (Marvel Comics)
- Predator X (Marvel Comics)
- Half-animal mutants (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- hybrid humanoids (Twin Dragons Webcomic)