The ability to master the use of the Hand of Glory. Related to Magic power (especially Necromancy).
Also Called[]
- Hand of Glory Mastery
Users of this power can master the use of the Hand of Glory, a necromantic item of power first mentioned in European folklore and attributed with many supernatural powers.
A Hand of Glory was created via taking the hand of a murderer and a candle made from the fat of the same murderer, upon creation the item was said to be able to paralyze anyone within its presence; later additions of the story added more powers to the Hand such as the inability for the flame to extinguished (save by milk), the Hand being able to cast light only for its creator and perhaps its most infamous power, the ability to open any lock.
- Candle Mimicry
- Fat Manipulation; tallow made from the fat of a dead murderer.
- Fire Manipulation
- Light Manipulation
- Lock Manipulation
- Paralysis Inducement
- Doors sufficiently enchanted or sealed could resist the Hand of Glory.
- The act of necromancy is considered grounds for Damnation or cursing, depending on the verse.
- Items or individuals that are resistant or immune to magic would be able to counter its effects.
- Many magic systems or verses have laws of exchange, meaning sacrifice is required for great power (evil magicians may also become corrupted by power)
Known Items[]
- Hand of Glory (European Folklore)
- Hand of Glory (Hellboy)
- Hand of Glory (Harry Potter)