The power to augment the hatred of others. Sub-power of Hatred Manipulation. Variation of Emotion Augmentation. Opposite to Love Augmentation.
Also Called[]
- Hate Augmentation/Amplification
- Hatred Amplification
The user can augment the hatred of others, making a small amount of dislike grow into immense hatred. This can make the victim hate the target so much, they'll try to kill/destroy it because of their augmented hatred.
- Empower users of Hatred Empowerment
- Start fights and expand wedges in relationships that have any hatred between them.
- May have a limited duration and/or range.
- Does not create hatred unlike Hatred Inducement, only amplifies any existing hate.
- Users of Indomitable Will and Apathy are either highly resistant or immune.
- Omni-Apathy users are absolutely immune.
Known Users[]
- Megumi Kurugane (Gate Keepers)
- Master Moo (Monster Rancher)
- Hate Master (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
- Beezara (Power Rangers Megaforce); females only