- "There is one thing I need to talk to you about. Your blood work came in. You have an unusually elevated white cell count."
"What? Like Leukemia? That's not likely. I don't get sick."
"Are you on any medication?"
"Do you have any allergies?"
"Childhood illness?"
"When did that stop?"
"The day I lost my hair." - ― Vargas and Lex Luthor (Smallville)
- "Think about it, Clark. Lex survived the meteor shower, a near-fatal car accident, and a plane crash. Even he doesn't have enough money to afford a guardian angel with that much clout. Check this out. Lex's medical records show that he has a white blood cell count that is off the charts. I mean, it's more than enough to raise an eyebrow."
- ― Chloe Sullivan (Smallville)
- "I just don't understand how this happened to me. I'm scrupulous about my hygiene. I regularly disinfect my hands, and I avoid contact with other people on general principle."
- ― Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)
- "Well, because how we fuel our bodies matter. I teach my students by example to eat nutrients rich in protein and antioxidants so they perform at their peak."
- ― Sensei Wolf (Netflix; Cobra Kai)
The ability to possess health greater than average/normal humans. Sub-power of Peak Human Condition and Body. Real world version of Enhanced Health.
Also Called[]
- Near/Nigh/Semi-Enhanced Health
- Near/Nigh/Semi-Inhuman Health
- Near/Nigh/Semi-Superhuman Health
- Peak-Human Tolerance
The user's physical, mental, social, spiritual, emotional, and sexual health are at the pinnacle of human potential making them near-enhanced/superhuman.
- Limited Condition Retention
- Peak Human Endurance
- Peak Human Immune System
- Peak Human Longevity
- Peak Human Lung Capacity
- Possible Vigorous Heart
- Peak Human Metabolism
- Peak Human Survivability
- Possible Peak Human Senses
- Peak Human Health - User’s general health is at the pinnacle of human potential. They are less likely to be affected by illnesses or sustain injuries compared to other humans.
- Enhanced Health - User’s general health is beyond the max health of their species. Every part in and of their body are at first-rate health and condition, and are very unlikely to get of type of illnesses, diseases, injuries, etc.
- Supernatural Health - Users are unnaturally healthier than other beings of their universe. They usually never get any type of illnesses nor sustain much damage.
- Absolute Health - Users are the pinnacle of all health, far superior to every other being of their universe. They are completely immune to disorders, diseases, disabilities, etc.; and never sustain any type of damage.
- Health is near-enhanced, but not enhanced.
- Their health is still vulnerable to diseases, injuries, and even death like any other normal humans.
Known Users[]
- Various Martial Artists (Grappler Baki)
- Black Dynamite (Black Dynamite)
- Various peak human-level Characters (DC Comics)
- Various Characters (Kingdom)
- Various Characters (Marvel Comics)
- Frank Castle/Punisher
- Alan "Dutch" Schaefer (Predator Series)
- Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto/Boruto)
- John Franklin/The Ghost (MC Comics)
Known Objects[]
- Heart-Shaped Herb (Marvel Comics)
Kyou Kai (Kingdom) possesses astonishing health due to her mastery of chi and Shiyuu's breathing techniques