The power to exhale hell-fire and release it in various forms from the mouth. Sub-power of Hell-Fire Attacks. Variation of Fire Breath. Opposite to Demonic Ice Breath.
Also Called[]
- Demonic Fire Breath
- Inferno/Hellish/Netherworld Fire Breath
The user is able to manipulate energy that can manifest as hell-fire in their lungs in a way that allows them to shape the exhaling of hell-fire. These shapes can include bursts, streams, spheres, or a cloud of it from the mouth.
- Hell-Fire Ball Projection
- Hell-Fire Beam Emission
- Hell-Fire Generation
- Hell-Fire Wave Emission
- The flames might have a different color
- Power Immunity
- Fire Immunity/Heat Immunity
- User must be able to breathe in and out.
- May be connected to users lung capacity.
- Can damage users mouth if it is closed while discharging.
- Can't use this power if the throat is damaged.
- Can be countered by ice and water abilities.
Known Users[]
- Gomorrah (Bayonetta series)
- Etrigan (DC Comics)
- Lucemon Satan Mode (Digimon); via "Purgatorial Flame"
- Lucemon X (Digimon); via "Purgatorial Flame"
- MaloMyotismon (Digimon); via "Pandemonium Flame"
- Atlas Flame (Fairy Tail)
- Ifrit (Final Fantasy Series)
- Spring-heeled Jack (Folklore)
- Kaen (Jigoku no Gouka de Yaka re Tsuzuketa Shounen. Saikyou no Honou Tsukai to Natte Fukkatsu Suru.)
- Ioryogi (Kobato)
- Wakan Tanka (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Ghost Riders (Marvel Comics)
- Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
- Red (NES Godzilla Creepypasta)
- Megido (Rave Master)
- Red Demons (Seven Deadly Sins)