Superpower Wiki

The power to fuse the magical fires of Hell with physical combat. Technique of Hell-Fire Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Combat. Opposite to Holy-Fire Combat. Not to be confused with Dark Fire Combat or Hell-Fire Attacks.

Also Called

  • Infernokinetic Combat
  • Kolasi-Pyrokinetic Combat


The user can combine Hellfire with physical combat, including surrounding the users limbs in hellfire to enhance the damage in their blows, summoning beings from hellfire to do the users bidding and even engulfing the opponent in intense, unquenchable fires capable of causing instant death. Unlike Pyrokinetic Combat, the user isn't vulnerable to Hydrokinetic Combat users unless holy water is used because hellfire can only be put out by holy resources.




  • User is vulnerable to users of Holy Fire Manipulation.
  • May backfire on the user if they are in close quarter combat, unless they have resistance/immunity to Hellfire.
  • Beings that are summoned/created may have free will or be hostile to the summoner.
  • In a tight situation the users allies could be destroyed along with everything else.
  • Inextinguishable flames mean the risk of killing unintentionally is very high.

Known Users

  • Ghost Rider (Marvel)
  • Hellfire (Marvel)
  • Rei Ogami (Code:Breaker)
  • Code: Emperor (Code:Breaker)
  • Mishiru Kikumonji/Kagerou (Code:Breaker)
  • Hiei (Yu Yu Hakasho)
  • Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
  • Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)