- "The anointed one fastened to the cursed cross. By the high priest of sanctified flames, the sacrifice is enflamed"
- ― Augusta (Highschool DxD/SlashDog)
- "Don't you know it was the divine who bestow humanity the knowledge of fire. It was neither man or dragons who create fire, it was the gods."
- ― Zancrow (Fairy Tail)
The power to manipulate holy flames, which embodies the purifying aspect of fire. Divine variation of Fire Manipulation. Variation of Divine Element Manipulation. Opposite to Hell-Fire Manipulation. Not to be confused with Pure Fire Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Angelic/Fresh/God's/Sacred Fire
- Divine Fire/Flame Manipulation
- Fire of the Lord
- Heavenly Fire
- Hagio-Ignikinesis
- Hagio-Pyrokinesis
- Sancti-Ignikinesis
- Sancti-Pyrokinesis
The user can create, shape and manipulate holy flames, which are especially effective against demons and other evil beings and are inextinguishable by normal means. It may also trap and/or immobilize angels or demons, rather than killing them outright. The color of the flames varies, but usually blue, white, or the normal if light shades of fire.
Some flames can have different properties and abilities such as summoning spirits of the deceased back to the world of the living. Very strong or high level users could obtain or gain the ability of Resurrection via Summoning the deceased and/or Angels from Heaven.
- Divine Energy Manipulation/Divine Force Manipulation
- Divine Fire Generation
- Fire Manipulation
- Holy-Fire Constructs
- Holy Fire Solidification
- Light Manipulation
- Summoning deceased, beings of Fire, beings of Light and/or Angels.
- Aether Manipulation
- Angel Physiology
- Divine Element Manipulation
- Divine Empowerment
- Divine Force Manipulation
- Holy Fire Weaponry
- Magic
- Pure Element Manipulation
- Spiritual Flame Manipulation
- Spiritual Symbiosis
- Countered by Hell-Fire Manipulation and Hell Water Manipulation.
- Demonic Force Manipulation can counter this ability.
- May not work against Good Immunity.
Known Users[]
- White Mage (8-Bit Theater)
- Chongli (Age of Mythology)
- Astras (Age of Wonders)
- Ellie Munroe/Archangel Gabriel and their reincarnations (Angelfire series)
- Allessia Faithhammer (Baldur's Gate)
- Yoko Belnades (Castlevania); via Holy Flame
- Simon Belmont (Castlevania II: Simon's Quest); via Sacred Flame
- Flame Strike Users (Critical Role)
- Sacred Flame Users (Critical Role)
- Benoham (The Dark Arts series)
- Chris Gordon (Demon Accords)
- Lucifer Morningstar (DC Comics)
- Matrix Hosts (DC Comics); as Earth-Born Angel of Fire
- Zauriel (DC Comics); via Michael's Sword
- Emi Yusa (The Devil is a Part-Timer!)
- Imperius (Diablo)
- Paladins (Diablo II); via Holy Fire
- Angewomon X (Digimon)
- Hououmon (Digimon)
- Magnadramon (Digimon)
- Archangels (The Dresden Files); via soulfire
- Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files); gains from Uriel
- The Shining One (Dungeon Crawl)
- The Goddess (Dungeons)
- Zancrow (Fairy Tail); via Fire God Slayer Magic
- Angels (The Fallen)
- Nephilim (The Fallen)
- Arvis (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War); via Valflame
- Fjalar (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War); via Valflame
- Celestial patron (Forgotten Realms/Dungeons & Dragons)
- Warlocks (Forgotten Realms/Dungeons & Dragons)
- Fire storm users (Forgotten Realms/Dungeons & Dragons)
- Flame of Hope Invokers (Forgotten Realms/Dungeons & Dragons)
- Flame strike users (Forgotten Realms/Dungeons & Dragons)
- Sacred flame users (Forgotten Realms/Dungeons & Dragons)
- Suzaku (Fushigi Yuugi)
- Johnathon Blaze/Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider (Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance); via Spirit of Justice
- Helios (God of War); via the Primordial Fire
- Tisiphone (God of War)
- Kratos (God of War); formerly via the Primordial Fire
- Guardians (Guild Wars 2)
- Alexander Anderson (Hellsing); via Helena's Nail
- Sally Whitemane, High Inquisitor (Heroes of the Storm)
- Uriel (High School DxD)
- Shiva (Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok); via "Tandava Karma"
- The Disciples (Image Comics/Spawn)
- Redeemer (Image Comics/Spawn); via elemental fire
- Gabriel, Archangel of Fire (In Nomine)
- Kasile Landros Ataidar VII (Journey to Chaos); via Sacred Fire
- Kayle (League of Legends)
- Morgana (League Of Legends)
- Fi (The Legend of Zelda)
- Link (The Legend of Zelda); via Din's Fire
- María Aracely Penalba/Hummingbird (Marvel Comics)
- Metatron (Megami Tensei series); via Fire of Sinai
- Fortress (Might and Magic: Heroes VII); via fire ofArkath
- Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat); as the God of Fire
- Jace Herondale (The Mortal Instruments); gains heavenly fire after being impaled by Glorious
- Momiji (Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2); via Art of the Crimson Lotus
- Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden II); via Art of the Flame Phoenix
- Uriel (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
- Angelfire Apostle Clerics (Pathfinder)
- Avanostryx (Pathfinder)
- Crimson Templars (Pathfinder)
- Pilali (Pathfinder)
- Ragathiel (Pathfinder)
- Ho-Oh (Pokémon)
- Sailor Mars (Sailor Moon); as both a Shinto priestess and a Sailor Senshi
- Sam Winchester (Supernatural); via Holy Oil
- Dean Winchester (Supernatural); via Holy Oil
- Castiel (Supernatural); via Holy Oil Molotov
- Lailah (Tales of Zestiria)
- Jaden Ar'Kangelos (The Storm Children Chronicles)
- Fiamma of the Right (Toaru Majutsu no Index); via Archangel Michael
- Tezcatlipoca (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
- Sacred Fire (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Uriel (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Priests (Warcraft series)
- Asuryan (Warhammer Fantasy)
- Cult of Sigmar (Warhammer Fantasy)
- Dazh (Warhammer Fantasy)
- Solkan (Warhammer Fantasy)
- Fyreslayers (Warhammer: Age of Sigmar); via ur-gold runes
- Bloom (Winx Club); from the Great Dragon's immeasurable power, the Dragon Fire/Flame
- The Great Dragon (Winx Club)
- Imbued (World of Darkness/Hunter: The Reckoning); via Vengeance
- Watatsuki no Yorihime (Touhou Project); via the Yaoyorozu no Kami.
Known Objects[]
- Glorious (The Mortal Instruments)
- Heosphoros (The Mortal Instruments)
- Holy Oil (Supernatural)
- Amulet of Holy Fire (Warhammer Quest)
- Spear Luin (Young Wizards)
- Longinus: Incinerate Anthemn (Highschool DxD/Slash Dog)
- Lazulite Sacred Flame (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice)
Known Locations[]
- Sea of Flames (Yuuki Yuna is a Hero)