Superpower Wiki
"The anointed one fastened to the cursed cross. By the high priest of sanctified flames, the sacrifice is enflamed"
― Augusta (Highschool DxD/SlashDog)
"Don't you know it was the divine who bestow humanity the knowledge of fire. It was neither man or dragons who create fire, it was the gods."
― Zancrow (Fairy Tail)

The power to manipulate holy flames, which embodies the purifying aspect of fire. Divine variation of Fire Manipulation. Variation of Divine Element Manipulation. Opposite to Hell-Fire Manipulation. Not to be confused with Pure Fire Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Angelic/Fresh/God's/Sacred Fire
  • Divine Fire/Flame Manipulation
  • Fire of the Lord
  • Heavenly Fire
  • Hagio-Ignikinesis
  • Hagio-Pyrokinesis
  • Sancti-Ignikinesis
  • Sancti-Pyrokinesis


The user can create, shape and manipulate holy flames, which are especially effective against demons and other evil beings and are inextinguishable by normal means. It may also trap and/or immobilize angels or demons, rather than killing them outright. The color of the flames varies, but usually blue, white, or the normal if light shades of fire.

Some flames can have different properties and abilities such as summoning spirits of the deceased back to the world of the living. Very strong or high level users could obtain or gain the ability of Resurrection via Summoning the deceased and/or Angels from Heaven.






Known Users[]

Known Objects[]

  • Glorious (The Mortal Instruments)
  • Heosphoros (The Mortal Instruments)
  • Holy Oil (Supernatural)
  • Amulet of Holy Fire (Warhammer Quest)
  • Spear Luin (Young Wizards)
  • Longinus: Incinerate Anthemn (Highschool DxD/Slash Dog)
  • Lazulite Sacred Flame (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice)

Known Locations[]

  • Sea of Flames (Yuuki Yuna is a Hero)

