Superpower Wiki

The power to possess various abilities granted by specific, superpowerful genes. An advanced version of Human Physiology. Not to be confused with Mutated Physiology.

Also Called

  • Homo Sapiens Superiors Physiology / Mimicry
  • Homo Superius Physiology / Mimicry
  • Human Mutant Physiology / Mimicry
  • Homo Superior Mimicry
  • Metahuman Physiology


Much like the ability, Homo Magi Physiology, users are born into a sub-race of humans.The main difference is that the user is born with abnormal genetics that allow them undergo a mutation in which the user is granted supernatural abilities. Also, thanks to the human side of their heritage, the user is able to use these abilities without becoming a monster, ie. keeping their human physique, sanity, and/or humanity without it being altered.

Applications (General)

Applications (Detail)

Powers that users may possess, but not limited to:



Known Users

