Superpower Wiki
"The root of evil lies in horror."
― Hirohiko Araki, Kotoba 2020 39#
"Liv Reynolds: If I’m your Final Girl. That means I survive right?
Beth: See I used to think that, but then I realized. Horror isn’t about the victims, I mean why do you think that the franchises last so long? The body drops change, but the killer always comes back for more. The killer is the real hero of the story.
Liv: Beth please...
What? Forget your line? Don’t worry, this is the part where you scream."
― Beth (Scream; Tv series) to Liv about the plot of horror

The ability to become the embodiment of horror. Variation of Genre Embodiment. Not to be confused with Fear Embodiment.

Also Called[]

  • Horror Incarnate/Personification
  • The Essence of Horror
  • The Horrifying


Users become the embodiment of horror - the concept and conveyance of fear in fiction.





  • User has no power if no one finds them scary.
  • Others may be frightened of them even if they are not trying to frighten them.

Known Users[]

  • Horror (The Pagemaster)
  • Horror (Fables)
  • Phrike (Greek Mythology)
  • Thriller (Michael Jackson's Thriller)
  • Zalgo (Creepypasta)
  • The Eldritch Terrors (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)


