The power to have a human mode that grants human abilities, skills. Variation of Mode Switching. Not to be confused with Human Form.
The user is able to enter a mode which allows human-like abilities, skills and traits. If shifting to this mode is accompanied by a physical transformation, then it is likely the user's ability also includes a Human Form.
- Human Form (Varies)
- Human Locomotion Replication
- Human Sapience Replication
- Human Speech Replication
Known Users[]
- Batty (100% Wolf series); formerly
- The Q (Star Trek)
- Hanyō (Inuyasha); involuntarily
- Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece); via the Hito Hito no Mi
Known Objects[]
- Hito Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit (One Piece)
- Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu (One Piece)
- Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Onyudo (One Piece)
- Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika/Gomu Gomu no Mi (One Piece)
Shiori (Inyasha/Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon) loses her yokai powers and becomes fully human every solar eclipse.
The Hito Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit (One Piece) allows those who eat it, animals or even objects, to transform into a human hybrid or a human at will...