The power to use the abilities of hyenas. Variation of Mammalian Physiology and Feline Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Hyena Body/Form/Mimicry
The user with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into hyenas.
- Darkness Adaptation
- Enhanced Bite
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhanced Endurance
- Enhanced Senses
- Enhanced Speed
- Feral Mind
- Predator Instinct
- Aardwolf
- Brown Hyena
- Spotted Hyena: Apex Predator, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Speed, Predator Instinct, Speed Swimming
- Striped Hyena: Enhanced Vision
Mythical Hyenas[]
Hyenas are associated with great number of mystical and supernatural abilities and connections in mythology and folklore, thus user with this power may have access to: Dark Arts, Pheromone Manipulation/Hypnosis, Fertility Inducement
- Spotted Hyena: Gender Transformation, Voice Manipulation
- Striped Hyena: Vampire Physiology
Known Users[]
- Haida (Aggretsuko)
- Hyenix (Bakugan Reboot)
- Werehyenas (African Mythology)
- Crocotta (Indian/Ethiopian Mythology)
- Hyena (Bedknobs and Broomsticks)
- Hyenas (The Lion King)
- Harley Quinn (Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes)
- Sidney (Aladdin: The Animated Series)
- Bud and Lou (The Batman)
- Woof (Batman Beyond)
- Bud and Lou (DC Animated Universe)
- Bud Chuckles (George and Martha)
- Valerie Chuckles (George and Martha)
- Harry the Hyena (Phineas and Ferb)
- Dao (Pororo the Little Penguin)
- Fah (Pororo the Little Penguin)
- Ken (Pororo the Little Penguin)
- Pim (Pororo the Little Penguin)
- Vyxx (Rimba Racer)
- Edna Krabappel (Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror)
- Nasty Hyenas (Sonic SatAM)
- Bud and Lou (DC Comics)
- Summer Day/Hyena (DC Comics)
- Jivan Shi/Hyena (DC Comics)
- Hyena/Creed Quinn (Marvel/DC Amalgam Universe)
- Hyesteria (Extinctioners)
Live Television
- Hyena Spirits (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Abartige Aasfresser (Grimm)
Tabletop Games
- Gnolls (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Hyenas (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Gnolls (Pathfinder)
- Hyenas (Pathfinder)
- Conena (Mazica Party)
- Heat Hyena (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Video Games
- Bloodsnarl (AFK Arena)
- Odie (AFK Journey)
- Rebbah Operators (Arknights)
- Spot
- Hyena (Cheetahmen)
- Ruggie Bucchi (Disney: Twisted-Wonderland)
- Bud & Lou (Injustice 2)
- Hound of Nita (Kaiju Combat)
- Poochyena-Mightyena (Pokémon)
- Forsburn (Rivals of Aether)
- Teena (Spyro)
- Rita (Suspects: Mystery Mansion)
- Mockery (The Outbound Ghost)
- Gnolls (Warcraft)
- Flame Hyenard (Mega Man X7)
Ruggie Bucchi (Disney: Twisted-Wonderland) is a hyena beastman, based on the hyenas from Disney's The Lion King.