Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to project greater kinetic energy than humanly possible. Sub-power of Kinetic Energy Manipulation. Variation of Disproportionate Force.

Also Called[]

  • Enhanced Kinetic Energy Output


The user can produce enormous amounts of kinetic energy from any physical movement beyond the natural. For example, a normal human punching something will equal over 400 joules of kinetic energy. With hyperkinetic exertion, a user can punch with significantly higher kinetic energy levels than possible. A user can strike with the kinetic force of a locomotive, dealing a severe abundance of damage to buildings, property, land, and opponents. The user's kinetic energy generation can vary; they can deliver damage on an enhanced, supernatural, or possibly absolute level. The user does not possess supernatural physical abilities, but their unordinary kinetic output allows them to simulate those abilities.




  • May only be able to exert a certain amount of force.
  • May harm themselves if they exert too much force.

Known Users[]

Known Objects[]

  • Crimson Gem of Cyttorak (Marvel Comics)


