The power to bestow Ice Mimicry onto others. Sub-power of Ice Powers Bestowal. Variation of Elemental Transformation Bestowal and Ice Transmutation
User can transform the bodies of others into ice. Target may become a hybrid between their normal state and ice or become an entity of living ice in a pure elemental form.
- Bestow Ice Mimicry.
- Cannot use on oneself.
- Target may need user to revert back to normal.
- Usually irreversible.
- May be constantly active/uncontrollable.
- Conversion Negation can reverse the change.
- May be reversible by destroying the source.
- Conversion Immunity
- Target is vulnerable to fire and heat-based attacks.
Known Users[]
- Cryonax (AD&D)
- Patience St. Pim (Adventure Time); as a pure Ice Elemental
Known Objects[]
- Chilly-Chilly Fruit/Hie Hie no Mi (One Piece)
When her elemental powers reached its peak through her mega-spell, Patience St. Pim (Adventure Time) was able to turn everyone and everything around her into ice, as well as make them more depressed in behavior.