Superpower Wiki
"No mind - no matter how powerful - could ever honestly claim to be free from deception, or unknown unknowns."
― DarkMatter2525 (Power Corrupts)

The power to possess false omniscience. Sub-power of Illusory Omnipotence. Opposite to True Omniscience. Variation of Nigh-Omniscience.

Also Called[]

  • Deceptive Omniscience
  • False Omniscience
  • Pseudo-Omniscience


User is perceived by lower beings in their reality to be truly all-knowing, even though they aren't. The user is often the creator/deity of that reality and as such, the user successfully deceived its creation into believing that they know all, or perhaps they were fooled into thinking that way themselves. They may not actually know everything, but instead warp their reality to affirm their limited knowledge, making them infinitely more ignorant than true omniscience beings. They may also have a "meta" form of "true belief", wherein the information they believe or others receive from them, either vocally, telepathically, etc., just happens to be true/true belief(at least on surface level). This may stem from a higher up being of true omniscience and may be used by avatars(especially of said beings), whether they're individualistic or not. They are below illusions and mind control.




Known Users[]

  • Timmy Turner (Fairly Odd Parents); briefly during the episode Mr. Right!
  • Yahweh (Power Corrupts)