Superpower Wiki

The power to grant enhanced immunity to oneself and/or others. Sub-power of Immunity Manipulation. Variation of Enhancement Calling. Opposite to Immunity Reduction.

Also Called[]

  • Immunity Bestowal/Enhancement/Summoning


The user can grant enhanced immunity from ailments and/or diseases/poisons, as well as potentially to powers or other concepts, to oneself and/or others, gaining access either from within or from an outside source. While not accessing this power, their immunity is normally placed into a dormant state.




  • Immunity Bypassing
  • User may not know when the situation comes for them to call for their power.
  • There may be a limit to how healthy a user can become.
  • May be limited to certain organs.
  • May be temporary.

Known Users[]

  • Pokémon that can use Safeguard, Mist, or Lucky Chant (Pokémon)
  • Wendy Marvell (Fairy Tail)
  • Incarnates (Planescape)