Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate matter resistance to a change in motion or rest. Sub-power of Kinetic Energy Manipulation and Rotational Energy Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Adráneiakinesis
  • Inertia Control
  • Inertiokinesis


The user can manipulate inertia, the amount of resistance matter has to a change in motion or rest, increasing, decreasing and/or maintaining it. They can increase object’s inertia, to make an immobile object immovable, or to make a mobile object unstoppable. They can also reduce an object’s inertia, making an object easier to accelerate, decelerate or change direction.






  • Some users cannot manipulate their own inertia.
  • Some users can only manipulate their own inertia.
  • Some users can only manipulate inertia one way or the other (to resist motion, or resist rest).
  • If the user has no control over the ability, the following can happen:
    • User may cause the opposite inertial change than desired (increasing or decreasing inertia, when one intends to do the opposite).
    • Inertia may change too much (which can damage the object whose inertia is being altered).
  • Users may have more difficulty manipulating the inertia of larger objects.
  • May cause unintended consequences to complex machines that rely on moving parts and their corresponding inertia to function. Same goes true for living organisms who depend on many different forms of moving cells, organs, fluids, etc. to continue functioning.
  • Objects with inertia that is too small may be hard to keep in motion, and may require constant force.
  • Objects with inertia that is too big may be hard to move or stop without the proper strength.

Known Users[]

  • Edith Freiberg/Inertia (Marvel Comics)
  • Geraldine Rumlow/Vice Versa (Marvel Comics)
  • Kevin Albers/Catapult (Marvel Comics)
  • Auroch (Worm)
  • Ochako Uraraka (My Hero Academia)
  • One for All Users (My Hero Academia); via Gearshift
    • Kudou/Second User
    • Izuku Midoriya
  • Jean Jacket (Nope)

