- "It’s phenomenal that any insect transforms. They all do. That’s part of being an insect."
- ― David Cronenberg, Bomb Magazine (Winter, 1989) interview by Bette Gordon
The power to use the abilities of insects. Technique of Insect Manipulation. Variation of Animal Imitation and Animal Morphing.
Also Called[]
- Entomorphism
- Bug Body/Form/Physiology/Mimicry
- Insect Body/Form/Mimicry
- Insecta Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into an insect, including cockroaches, beetles, earwigs, flies, mayflies, termites, mantises, sticks, etc.
- Acid Generation
- Antenna Protrusion
- Appendage Generation/Multiple Arms
- Arthropodal Limbs
- Bioluminescence
- Blood Consumption
- Burrowing
- Camouflage
- Compound Eyes
- Danger Intuition
- Dermal Armor
- Ecdysis
- Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Balance
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhanced Leap
- Enhanced Reflexes
- Enhanced Senses
- Enhanced Speed
- Enhanced Strength
- Lunglessness
- High Resistance
- Insect Wing Manifestation
- Night Vision
- Pincer Claws
- Poisonous Biology
- Poison Inducement
- Powerful Bite
- Regenerative Healing Factor
- Self-Replication
- Silk Generation
- Size Reduction
- Speed Swimming/Water Walking
- Stinger Protrusion
- Thermal Resistance
- Wallcrawling
- Neoptera Physiology
- Metabola Physiology
- Coleoptera Physiology (beetles): Dermal Armor, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Strength
- Coccinellidae Physiology (ladybugs): Dermal Armor, Insect Wing Manifestation, Poisonous Biology
- Lampyridae Physiology (fireflies/lightning bugs): Bioluminescence, Insect Wing Manifestation
- Diptera Physiology (flies): Enhanced Agility, High-Speed Flight, Insect Wing Manifestation, Wallcrawling, Enhanced Reflexes
- Culicidae Physiology (mosquitoes): Blood Consumption
- Hemiptera Physiology (cicadas, aphids, planthoppers, leafhoppers, shield bugs, etc.):
- Coleoptera Physiology (beetles): Dermal Armor, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Strength
- Aphidoidea Physiology (Aphids): Asexual Reproduction/Self-Replication
- Auchenorrhyncha Physiology (cicadas, leafhoppers, treehoppers, planthoppers, and spittlebugs):
- Gerridae Physiology (water striders): Surface Tension Manipulation, Water Walking
- Hymenoptera Physiology (sawflies, wasps, bees and ants): Powerful Bite, Stinger Protrusion, Poisonous Biology, Poison Inducement
- Apocrita Physiology (wasps): Stinger Protrusion, Insect Wing Manifestation, Enhanced Vision
- Anthophila Physiology (bees): Stinger Protrusion, Insect Wing Manifestation, Enhanced Vision
- Vespoidea Physiology (several wasps): Powerful Bite, Stinger Protrusion, Poisonous Biology, Poison Inducement, Insect Wing Manifestation
- Formicidae Physiology (ants): Acid Generation, Powerful Bite
- Apocrita Physiology (wasps): Stinger Protrusion, Insect Wing Manifestation, Enhanced Vision
- Lepidoptera Physiology (butterflies and moths): Insect Wing Manifestation, Camouflage
- Neuroptera Physiology (lacewings, mantidflies, antlions): Insect Wing Manifestation
- Siphonaptera Physiology (fleas): Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Leap, Enhanced Speed
- Rhipineoptera Physiology
- Dictyoptera Physiology
- Orthoptera Physiology (grasshoppers, crickets and locusts): Enhanced Leap, Insect Wing Manifestation
- Phasmatodea Physiology (stick insects/walking sticks/stick-bugs, phasmids, ghost insects and leaf insects): Camouflage, Enhanced Vision/Night Vision
- Metabola Physiology
- Odonatoptera Physiology (dragonflies and damselflies): Enhanced Agility, High-Speed Flight, Insect Wing Manifestation, Powerful Bite
- Stink Bug Physiology: Insect Wing Manifestation, Stench Generation
- Animal Imitation/Animal Morphing
- Crustacean Physiology - Insects are descended from crustaceans.
- Egg Manipulation
- Insect Breath
- Insect Dragon Physiology
- Insect Manipulation
- Insect Monster Physiology
- Insectoid Physiology
- Superior Human Physiology
- Queen Insect Physiology
- May be vulnerable to insect repellents.
- May need practice to change back into original form.
- As insects are ectotherms, user may be vulnerable to extreme temperatures.
- Users may be a victim of Insect Slayers.
Known Users[]
See Also: Insect Index.
- Bumblebee (DC Comics)
- Killer Moth (DC Comics)
- Angel Salvadore (Marvel Comics)
- Janet Van Dyne-Pym/Wasp (Marvel Comics)
- Richard Deacon/Human Fly (Marvel Comics)
- Rico/Scorpion Boy (Marvel Comics)
- Annihilus (Marvel Comics)
- Miek (Marvel Comics)
- Joe Bugs (Marvel Comics)
- Pixie (Marvel Comics)
- Jia Jing/Sprite (Marvel Comics)
- The Horde (Marvel Comics)
- Grubs (Homestuck)
- Insect Queen (DC Comics)
- Insects (A Bug's Life)
- Insects (Antz)
- Insects (Bee Movie)
- Insects (The Ant Bully)
- Seth Brundle (The Fly)
- Martin (The Fly II)
- Ipisman (Gagamboy)
- Mothra (Godzilla)
- Battra (Godzilla)
- Kamacuras (Godzilla)
- Megalon (Godzilla)
- Meganulon/Meganula (Godzilla)
- Megaguirus
- Legion (Gamera 2: Attack of Legion)
- F.W. Fly (Meet the Feebles)
- The Masked Masochist (Meet the Feebles)
- Insectosaurus (Monsters vs. Aliens)
- Arachnids (Starship Troopers)
- Geonosian (Star Wars)
- Oogie Boogie (Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas); under his burlap sack.
- Vroomaroundus Buguses (Cars)
- Angel Salvadore (X-Men Movies)
- Rita Skeeter (Harry Potter); is a beetle animagus.
- Human Flies (City of Devils)
Live Television
- Giant Maggots (Doctor Who)
- Tritovores (Doctor Who)
- Wirrn (Doctor Who)
- Insectoid Wesen (Grimm)
- Hayato Ichimonji (Hayato Ichimonji)
- Mohinder Suresh (Heroes)
- Go Chung-myung (Hotel del Luna)
- All Showa Riders except for Kamen Rider Amazon (Kamen Rider Franchise)
- Takeshi Hongo/Kamen Rider 1
- Insect Chemies (Kamen Rider Gotchard)
- Hopper1
- Houtarou Ichinose (Kamen Rider Gotchard); as Kamen Rider Gotchard Steamhopper form
- All Kabuto Riders except for Sasword (Kamen Rider Kabuto)
- Aruto Hiden/Kamen Rider Zero-One (Kamen Rider Zero-One)
- Soreo Hiden/Kamen Rider Ichi-Gata (Kamen Rider Reiwa the First Generation)
- Kamen Rider Abbadon (Kamen Rider Zero-One: Real Time)
- Reika Shindai/Kamen Rider Sabela (Kamen Rider Saber)
- Insect Ferals (Mutant X)
- Shugods (Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger)
- Insect-based monsters (Power Rangers franchise)
- Insectoids
- Many Insect Kaiju (Ultraman franchise)
- Count Dracumite (Round the Twist)
- Uvodni (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
- Uvlavad Kudlak
- Kulitsap - Maan Munsayac (Sineskwela)
- Insectovores (Masked Rider)
- Iratus bug (Stargate Atlantis)
- Wraith (Stargate Atlantis)
- Xindi-Insectoid (Star Trek)
- All Arthropods (Primeval/Primeval: New World)
- Merraid Oarburgh (Akame Ga Kill!)
- Beel Bub (Cautious Hero)
- Chunghogwi (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment)
- Chomei (Naruto)
- Eternal Insect (Mushibugyo)
- Bugrom (El-Hazard)
- Farasha Jinnai (El-Hazard: The Dual World)
- Bian (One Piece)
- Kabu (One Piece)
- Various Mysterious Beings (One-Punch Man)
- Cocytus (Overlord)
- Entoma Vasilissa Zeta (Overlord)
- Touch Me (Overlord)
- Mosquito (Soul Eater)
- Terraformars (Terra Formars)
- Annex I Crew Members (Terra Formars)
- The King of the Forest Candidate's (Moriking)
- Great Moth (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Kurorushi (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Video Games[]
- Rom, the Vacuous Spider (Bloodborne)
- Garden of Eyes (Bloodborne)
- Insects (Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling)
- Antlions (Hλlf-Life 2 Series)
- Joseph Bertrand III (inFAMOUS 2)
- The Corrupted (inFAMOUS 2)
- Q-Bee (Darkstalkers)
- Hatch (Battle Force 5)
- Hive (Destiny)
- Nelo Angelo (Devil May Cry 4)
- Drones (Jet Force Gemini)
- Bugzzy (Kirby)
- Kanden (Metroid Prime Hunters)
- Trace (Metroid Prime Hunters)
- D'Vorah (Mortal Kombat X)
- Bug-type Pokémon (Pokémon)
- C-virus victims (Resident Evil Series)
- Novistador (Resident Evil 4)
- Verdugo (Resident Evil 4)
- Swarm (Skylanders)
- Dune Bug (Skylanders)
- Corn Hornets (Skylanders)
- Dragonets (Skylanders)
- Thrillipede (Skylanders)
- Hive Five (Skylanders)
- Swarm (Skylanders Giants)
- Hur'q (Star Trek Online)
- Wriggle Nightbug (Touhou Project)
- Ladybird (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Various Bug Yo-kai (Yo-kai Watch)
- Insectoid Digimon (Digimon)
- Anthropomorphic insects (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Neopterons (Monster Hunter series)
- Clancy (Ben 10); mutated into an insect-like form
- Nanomech (Ben 10)
- Stinkfly (Ben 10 series)
- Big Chill (Ben 10 series)
- Skunkmoth (Ben 10 Reboot)
- Insects (The Buzz on Maggie)
- Flyboy Maggoty (Casper's Scare School)
- Jeeves Weevil (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
- Schwick (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
- Insects (Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist)
- Zap Monogan (Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist)
- Ken (Dirtgirlworld)
- Princess What's-Her-Name (Earthworm Jim)
- Insects (Erky Perky)
- Maurice (Freaky Stories)
- Cricket (Generator Rex)
- Insects (Growing Up Creepie)
- Weevils (Iggy Arbuckle)
- Alien rice weevils (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness)
- Experiment 128 "Bugby" (Lilo & Stitch)
- Experiment 303 "Amnesio" (Lilo & Stitch)
- Yoko (Louie)
- Giant Ants (Martin Mystery)
- Giant Bee (Martin Mystery)
- Mothman (Martin Mystery)
- Mutated Meganeura (Martin Mystery)
- Mutated Meganeura Queen (Martin Mystery)
- Various Insects (Minuscule)
- Tikki (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir)
- Nooroo (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir)
- Insects (Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends)
- Changelings (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- Parasprites (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- Twittermites (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- Luna Moths (PJ Masks)
- Motsuki (PJ Masks)
- Pen (Pororo the Little Penguin)
- Lookkob (Pororo the Little Penguin)
- Lae (Pororo the Little Penguin)
- Zorak (Space Ghost)
- Dori (The Save-Ums!)
- Terrell (The Save-Ums!)
- Baxter Stockman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987/2012 TV series)
- Brick Bradley/Bugman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987 TV series)
- Vringath Dregg (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
- Twitch (Toy Story)
- Kelly Webster/Web Woman (Web Woman)
- Flea (Wide Eye)
- Hetty (Wide Eye)
- The Insect King (Daniel Spellbound)
- Royal Guard Wasps
- All Mutant Giant Insect (Godzilla: The Series)
- El Gusano Gigante
- Giant Mutant Bee
- Giant Mutant Termite
- Megapede
- Skeetera
- Giant Water Beetle
Web Original
- The Intrusion (Fear Mythos)
- Drones (Fear Mythos)
- SCP-150 - Ship of Theseus (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-400 - Beautiful Babies (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-439 - Bone Hive (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-611 - Parasitic Toothpick (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-779 - Brownies (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-831 - Tinkerbug (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1450 - Iridescence (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1517 - Candy Critters (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2044-2 - Big Wigs (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2616 - Shoo, Fly (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2819 - Bond Beetles (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2977 - Periscope Ants (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3003-1 - The End of History (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3004-2 - Imago (SCP Foundation)
- Entity 95 - "Reality Bugs" (The Backrooms)
- Entity 471 - "A Molting Gentleman" (The Backrooms)
- Enigmatic Entity - "Hymenoptera" (The Backrooms)
- Joke Enigmatic Entity - "gerald" (The Backrooms)
- The Fallen One (Grindhouse and Watercolors)
- Beelzebaby (Grindhouse and Watercolors)
- Makuta Bitil (Bionicle)
- Makuta Gorast (Bionicle)
- Makuta Krika (Bionicle)
- Several Rahi (Bionicle)
- Toa Nidhiki (Bionicle)
- Various Characters (The Bug Pond)
Known Items[]
- Wrigglers (Akame Ga Kill!)
- Konchuu Daihyakka Wonder Ride Book (Kamen Rider Saber)
- Mushi Mushi no Mi/Bug-Bug Fruit, Model: Hornet (One Piece)
- Mushi Mushi no Mi/Bug-Bug Fruit, Model: Rhinoceros Beetle (One Piece)
- Manchurian Musca (Xiaolin Showdown)
After injecting himself with an unstable formula, Mohinder Suresh (Heroes) slowly turns into an insect monster.
In order to make a point, he turns a baby meant to be sacrificed to him into Beelzebaby (Grindhouse and Watercolors), a giant fly meant to resemble him in his own image.
Tikki (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir) is the kwami that grants magic power to the Ladybug Miraculous, granting powers to the owner of the Miraculous.
Nooroo (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir) is the kwami that grants magic power to the Butterfly/Moth Miraculous, granting powers to the owner of the Miraculous.
Most members of the Annex 1 (Terra Formars) have insect DNA embedded in their own, which allows them to transform into insect hybrids and utilize powers with that insect...
...Such as Shokichi Komachi (right) and Thien (left) who have the abilities of the Japanese Giant Hornet and the Desert Locust respectively.
Despite her title, Rom, the Vacuous Spider (Bloodborne) more closely resembles a gigantic pillbug than an actual spider.