- "Intelligence goes hand-in-hand with loneliness. It doesn't allow you to ignore the indifference of physics. Humans are blessed. They have no idea how lucky they are to not know everything."
- â Kotarou Tennouji (Rewrite)
The power to possess a limitless level of intellectual and cognitive proficiency that surpasses anything/everything in existence. Sub-power of Absolute Mind. Ultimate form of Enhanced Intelligence.
Also Called[]
- Absolute/Fathomless/Infinite Cognition
- Absolute/Efficient/Fathomless/Flawless Intellect/IQ
- Indeterminate Intelligence
- Intelligence of God/Gods Intellect
- Omnicompetent Intelligence
- Boundless/Endless/Infinite/Limitless/Omni/Ultimate/Unlimited/Unreachable/Unrestricted Intelligence
- Vast Intelligence/Intellect
- Pure Genius/Intellect/Intelligence
- Transcendent/Ultimate Genius
- True Genius/Intellect/Intelligence
Fiction-Specific Terms[]
- 12th Level Intellect (DC Comics)
The user's intellectual faculties transcend all other sentient beings (and other levels of intelligence) in their universe/verse. Said faculties includes; a superior mental capacity and a limitless level of concentrations, complete control over the self, can recall absolutely everything, flawless foresight and insight, unparalleled wit and ingenuity, unfathomable cognition, unrestricted mental thinking and access to unlimited amounts of ideas, can intuitively and instantly comprehend and learn everything and anything and is a brilliant master tactician.
The user goes beyond just being "smart", becoming an intellectual force of nature. They can instantly outsmart and outwit anyone in their path, always remain completely competent and able to think their way out of every possible and impossible situation, be terrifyingly proficient at manipulation and controlling the actions and psychological states of others and have peerless understanding of the mind, complete self-sufficiency allowing them to accumulate knowledge and survive without any assistance, can perform and complete an infinite number of tasks, possess absolute emotional intelligence and control, forever sense and comprehend the true state and nature of everything and everyone, always make the right decision while avoiding all errors and failures, and be perpetually aware of every single facet of every situation they are in. They will know what to do, when to do it, how to do it, who to do it to, why they should do it, and how they should act at all times.
This power differs from Omniscience in that even though the user has, essentially, a limitless intellectual capacity they still have to manually learn information, so they don't innately possess knowledge and understanding of everything to begin with. But the rate at which they intuitively simplify, comprehend, and learn information is so effortless and instantaneous that this difference becomes a non-factor. Their Intelligence will endlessly grow, adapt, evolve, and transcend.
This is the greatest, most supreme level of intellect a being can attain, being both the complete accumulation and boundless mastery of all facets of intelligence, cognition, logical reasoning, and thinking. The user can instinctively create an infinite number of intricate schemes, strategies, tactics, and plans that will never fail and countermeasures for complete adaptation to any form of change that befalls any situation. They possess an inscrutable level of metacognition, having unending awareness and understanding of their own thought process. morality, and personality (which they can change with ease while retaining said awareness and the ability to revert to the original mental and/or emotional state), and of precisely how they know as well. Their efficiency is flawless, and they make the most out of every situation, with every mental and physical action possessing not a single waste of energy, time, or effort, but instead complete optimal effectiveness and pragmatic streamlining. The user's memory capacity not only encompasses every instant of their entire existence, but every last detail, fact, and truth of each memory is laid bare for the user to discern. Their mind is in a perpetual state of total clarity and serenity, rendering them completely unfazed to all scenarios that occur. Finally, they possess absolute perception of all equations, patterns, motivations, opportunities, and mechanisms imperceivable to everyone but the users themselves.
- Absolute Creativity
- Absolute Efficiency
- Efficient Combat (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- Combat Pragmatist (Absolute Level)
- Error Prevention (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- Tactical Genius (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- All Social Powers & Abilities
- Action Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Ambush Mastery
- Counterstrategy Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Infiltration Mastery
- Intellectual Combat (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- Mental Combat (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- Path to Victory (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- Pattern Sense (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- Preparation Time Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Probability Computation (Absolute Level)
- Probability Creation
- Psychological Mastery (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- Acting Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Aura Reading
- Behavior Manipulation
- Bond Destruction
- Deception Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Intimidation Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Manipulation Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Mental Manipulation
- Emotion Manipulation
- Emotion Inducement (All Variations)
- Mental Breakdown (Absolute Level)
- Mental Inducement (All Variations)
- Mental Infection
- Mind Control
- Emotion Manipulation
- Political Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Psychological Combat (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- Relationship Manipulation
- Seduction Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Subliminal Messaging
- Subliminal Seduction
- Vocal Mind Control (Absolute Level)
- Will Breaking (Absolute Level)
- Reaction Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Security Mastery
- Strategy Manipulation (Absolute Level)
- Supernatural Charisma
- Supernatural Investigation
- Tactical Analysis (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- Thievery Mastery
- Undefeatable
- Victory Inducement (Absolute Level)
- Defeat Inducement (Absolute Level)
- Victory Inducement (Absolute Level)
- Weakness Creation (Absolute Level)
- Efficient Combat (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- Absolute Wits
- All Skills
- Emotional Intelligence (Absolute/Omnipotent Level)
- Calm State (Absolute Level)
- Calm Activity (Absolute Level)
- Character Judgement Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Clear Mind (Absolute Level)
- Criminology Mastery
- Emotion Detection (Absolute Level)
- Emotion Regulation (Absolute Level)
- Indomitable Emotions (All Variations)
- Intuitive Empathy (Absolute Level)
- Personal Emotion Manipulation (Absolute Level)
- Rhetoric Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Sociability Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Social Cloaking (Absolute Level)
- Social Interplay Manipulation
- Social Magnetism
- Social Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Cooperation Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Disguise Mastery
- Discord Inducement
- Humor Mastery
- Magnetic Friendship
- Negotiation Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Status Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Unknown Inducement
- Unnoticeability
- Society Adaptation (Absolute Level)
- State of Mind (Absolute Level)
- Tranquil Combat (Absolute Level)
- Tranquil Emotions (Absolute Level)
- Calm State (Absolute Level)
- Indomitable Nature
- Omnicompetence
- Answer Intuition
- Convinced Inevitability (Absolute Level)
- Exceptional Skill (Absolute Level)
- Future-Probability Cognition
- Indomitable Will
- Accelerated Maturity
- Control Immunity
- Control Negation
- Death Prevention
- Determined Strength (Absolute Level)
- Fear Immunity
- High Resistance (All Variations)
- Humanity Retainment
- Seduction Immunity (Absolute Level)
- Life Floating (Absolute Level)
- Successful Activity (Absolute Level)
- Time Synchronicity (Absolute Level)
- Temporal Sense (Absolute Level)
- Omnilingualism
- Opportunity Sense (Absolute Level)
- Pure Talent (Absolute Level)
- Aesthetic Activity (Absolute Level)
- Alpha
- Child Prodigy (Absolute Level)
- Legendary Status
- Martial Arts Prodigy
- Old Prime (Absolute Level)
- Selective Invincibility
- Self-Sufficiency (Master Level)
- Situational Synchronicity (Absolute Level)
- Undegraded Activity
- Supernatural Perception (Absolute Level)
- Causality Perception
- Energy Perception
- Extrasensory Combat (Absolute Level)
- Extrasensory Perception (Absolute Level)
- Intuitive Perception (Absolute Level)
- Chaos Perception
- Combat Perception (Absolute Level)
- Fact Perception (Absolute Level)
- Forbidden Knowledge
- Lie Detection (Absolute Level)
- Logic Detection (Absolute Level)
- Material Sense (Absolute Level)
- Morality Viewing (Absolute Level)
- Power Perception (Absolute Level)
- Power Detection (Absolute Level)
- Power Specialism (Absolute Level)
- Extreme Specialization
- Power Mixture (All Variations)
- Power Modification
- Power Opposition
- Support Powers
- Technique Reading (Absolute Level)
- Purpose Perception (Absolute Level)
- Quality Sense (Absolute Level)
- Reality Perception (Absolute Level)
- Discern Motivation (Absolute Level)
- Mind Reading (Absolute Level)
- Visual Memory Reading (Absolute Level)
- Memory Reading (Absolute Level)
- Visual Memory Reading (Absolute Level)
- Scientific Perception (Absolute Level)
- Soul Reading
- Spatial Perception (Absolute Level)
- Status Reading (Absolute Level)
- True-Self Recognition (Absolute Level)
- Truth Detection (Absolute Level)
- Survival Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Cerebral Warping (Absolute Level)
- Omni-Intuition
- All Intuitions
- Absolute Learning
- Absolute Pedagogy
- Ability Teaching (Absolute Level)
- Limitation Defiance (Absolute Level)
- Pedagogy Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Skill Bestowal (Absolute Level)
- Combat Specialism (Absolute Level)
- Advantage Creation (Absolute Level)
- Battlefield Adaptation (Absolute Level)
- Combat Adaptation (Absolute Level)
- Combat Mixture (Absolute Level)
- Combat Modification (Absolute Level)
- Combat Opposition (Absolute Level)
- Heavy Strike
- Military Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Strategy Adaptation (Absolute Level)
- Elucidation (Absolute Level)
- Storytelling Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Intuitive Aptitude
- Anthropology Mastery
- Business Mastery
- Compass Sense
- Counterintelligence Mastery
- Counterterrorism Mastery
- Culinary Mastery
- Definition Intuition (Absolute Level)
- Economics Mastery
- Espionage Mastery
- Experience Intuition
- Geometry Mastery
- Hacking Mastery
- History Mastery
- Law Mastery
- Literary Mastery
- Love Mastery
- Morality Mastery
- Philosophical Mastery
- Profession Mastery
- Programming Mastery
- Researching Mastery
- Surgery Mastery
- Intuitive Precognition (Absolute Level)
- Automatic Self-Preservation (Absolute Level)
- Blocking Mastery
- Danger Detection (Absolute Level)
- Blindsight (Absolute Level)
- Hyper Evasion
- Observation Detection (Absolute Level)
- Perimeter Evasion
- Tracking Evasion
- Combative Luck
- Enhanced Anticipation (Absolute Level)
- Escapology Mastery
- Golden Luck
- Healing Luck
- Intuitive Luck
- Objective Precognition (Absolute Level)
- Precise Activity (Absolute Level)
- Social Luck
- Subjective Precognition (Absolute Level)
- Survival Luck
- Automatic Self-Preservation (Absolute Level)
- Omni-Mastery
- Omni Profession
- Panmnesia
- Action Replication (Absolute Level)
- Adoptive Muscle Memory (Absolute Level)
- Audiographic Memory (Absolute Level)
- Encyclopedic Knowledge
- Deduction Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Detail Detection (Absolute Level)
- Shatterpoint Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Hyper Experience
- Instructive Muscle Memory (Absolute Level)
- Knowledge Replication (Absolute Level)
- Mental Regeneration (Absolute Level)
- Retrospective Intelligence (Absolute Level)
- Skill Replication (Absolute Level)
- Superior Mimicry
- Vocal Replication (Absolute Level)
- Quantum Intelligence
- Supernatural Brain Capacity
- Boundless Inner World
- Indexing Archive (Within their world)
- Inner Sight
- Higher Consciousness
- High-Speed Reflexes (Absolute Level)
- Auto-Reflexes (Absolute Level)
- Automatic Attack/Defense
- Countering Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Enhanced Motor Skills (Absolute Level)
- Auto-Reflexes (Absolute Level)
- Hypercognition (Absolute Level)
- Attack/Defense Prediction (Absolute Level)
- Computer Operation Mastery
- Cyber Mind (Absolute Level)
- Flawless Coordination (Absolute Level)
- Accurate Activity (Absolute Level)
- Adaptive Movement (Absolute Level)
- Automatic Mobility
- Footwork Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Intelligent Travel (Absolute Level)
- Mastered Activity (Absolute Level)
- Movement Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Guessing Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Kinetic Mind (Absolute Level)
- Focused Activity (Absolute Level)
- Movement Prediction (Absolute Level)
- Numerical Prediction (Absolute Level)
- Supernatural Mind
- Trajectory Prediction (Absolute Level)
- Visualization (Absolute Level)
- Writing Mastery
- Neuro-Psychic Knowledge
- Brain Manipulation
- Dowsing
- Hypercompetence
- Enhanced Tasking (Absolute Level)
- Martial Arts Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Mixed Martial Arts Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Supernatural Craftsmanship
- Supernatural Dancing
- Supernatural Musicianship
- Supernatural Tracking
- Special Operations Mastery
- Weapon Proficiency Touch
- Instilled Knowledge
- Lower Consciousness (Absolute Level)
- Personal Subconscious (Absolute Level)
- Psychic Intelligence (Absolute Level)
- Boundless Inner World
- Mindshifting (Absolute Level)
- Brain Scanning
- Dreamscape
- Focused Time Perception (Absolute Level)
- Indulgent Activity
- Intelligence Infinitum
- Lucidity Manipulation
- Mind Adjustment
- Mindscape (Absolute Level)
- Modified Mind (Absolute Level)
- Organism-Artificial Intelligence Synergy
- Personal Database
- Situational Intelligence
- Self-Perception Manipulation
- Subtle Body Manipulation
- Vantage Conversion
- Supernatural Sensation
- Adrenal Activation (Absolute Level)
- Hyper Self-Awareness (Absolute Level)
- Indomitable Sexuality (Absolute Level)
- Enhanced Sex Appeal
- Entity Bonding
- Indomitable Libido (Absolute Level)
- Seductive Magnetism
- Sexual Inducement
- Sexual Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Supernatural Concentration Capacity
- Adaptive Development (Absolute Level)
- Accelerated Development (Absolute Level)
- Bodily Attribute Augmentation
- Hyper Acceleration
- Hyper Maneuverability
- Overclocking (Absolute Level)
- Accelerated Activity (Absolute Level)
- Pain Suppression
- Psychic Immunity
- Psychic Shield
- Spiritual Meditation
- Superior Bodily Speed
- Supertasking (Absolute Level)
- Unrestricted Movement
- Adaptive Development (Absolute Level)
- Unrestricted Thought Process (Absolute Level)
- Hyper Mind (Absolute Level)
- Accelerated Thought Process (Absolute Level)
- Accelerated Perception (Absolute Level)
- Aim Dodging (Absolute Level)
- Codification/Decodification (Absolute Level)
- Computational Divination (Absolute Level)
- Indexing
- Information Analysis (Absolute Level)
- Initial Movement Sense (Absolute Level)
- Body Language Analysis (Absolute Level)
- Speech Prediction (Absolute Level)
- Multi-Focus (Absolute Level)
- Reading Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Speed Perception (Absolute Level)
- Response Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Scanning (Absolute Level)
- Science Mastery (Absolute Level)
- Supernatural Awareness
- 360-Degree Senses
- Enhanced Synesthesia
- Electroreception
- Radar (Absolute Level)
- Sonar (Absolute Level)
- Thermoreception
- Vibration Detection
- Threat Identification (Absolute Level)
- Weakness Detection (Absolute Level)
- Accelerated Thought Process (Absolute Level)
- Morality Transcendence
- Probability Perception (Absolute Level)
- Numerical Precision (Absolute Level)
- Parallel Processing (Absolute Level)
- Precognitive Combat (Absolute Level)
- Xeno-Accelerated Probability (Absolute Level)
- Syncognition
- Thoughtless Activity (Absolute Level)
- Senseless Activity (Absolute Level)
- Hyper Mind (Absolute Level)
- Peak Human Intelligence
- Enhanced Intelligence
- Supernatural Intelligence
- Absolute Intelligence
- Absolute Condition
- Absolute Mind
- Absolute Psionics
- Knowledge Embodiment
- Knowledge Transcendency
- Prescience
- Intelligence Infinitum
- Mental Evolution
- Mental Shield/Psychic Immunity
- Omnifabricating
- Omnilingualism
- Retroscience
- Transcendent Physiology
- Transcendent Science
Known Users[]
See also: Improbably High I.Q., Ranked by I.Q. and World's Smartest Man. [1][2]
- Insani Grandmas (Cookie Clicker)
- Brainiac 417 (DC Comics)
- Metron (DC Comics)
- Lucifer Morningstar (DC Comics)
- The Phantom Stranger (DC Comics)
- Lex Luthor (DC Comics)
- Brainiac Family (DC Comics)
- Dexter (Dexter's Laboratory)
- The Doctor (Doctor Who)
- The Master (Doctor Who)
- Athena/Minerva (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Hida Nayuta (Hybrid Ă Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia)
- Edward "Eddie" Morra (Limitless); via after 4 Years Of Taking NZT-48
- Celestials (Marvel Comics)
- Lunella Lafayette (Marvel Comics)
- Odin (Marvel Comics)
- Reed Richards (Marvel Comics)
- The Stranger (Marvel Comics)
- The Supreme Intelligence (Marvel Comics)
- Intelligentsia (Marvel Comics)
- Tony Stark/Iron Man (Marvel Comics); briefly via the Bleeding Edge Armor
- Victor Von Doom/Doctor Doom (Marvel Comics)
- High Evolutionary (Marvel Comics)
- Jibril (No Game No Life)
- Shiro (No Game No Life)
- Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
- Rick Prime (Rick and Morty)
- Evil Morty (Rick and Morty)
- SCP-239 - The Witch Child (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3396 - The Empyrean Parasite (SCP Foundation)
- The Administrator (SCP Foundation)
- Aaron Siegal "The Man With the Infinity Gun"/O5-1/SCP-055 (SCP Foundation)
- Lucky Sevens/Queen of Spades/the Baroness of Old Vegas/D-77777/Monica Pinkston (SCP Foundation)
- Sophia/Olympia/Subject/Zero/Olympia Zero/The Original/Europa (SCP Foundation)
- Daedalus (Sora no Otoshimono)
- Medaka Kurokami (Medaka Box)
- Ascended beings (Stargate series)
- Enki (Sumerian Mythology)
- Azmuth (Ben 10)
- Washu Hakubi (Tenchi Muyo!)
- Rimuru Tempest (That time i got reincarnated as a slime); via Divine Wisdom Core-Ciel
- Tatsuya Shiba (The Irregular at Magic High School)
- Klein Moretti (Lord of the Mysteries)
- Adam (Lord of the Mysteries)
- Amon (Lord of the Mysteries)
- Athena (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Minerva (Valkyrie Crusade)
- YĆ«ji Sakai (Shakugan no Shana)
- Anti-Spiral (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
- Robert House (Fallout New Vegas)
- Diego Arnaldo (Charges)
- Lucy (Lucy)
Known Objects[]
- Brainiacs Ship (DC Comics)
- Mobius chair (DC Comics)
- Neurotomic Protocore (Dexters Laboratory Ego Trip)
- Brain Gain Helmet 8000 (The Adventure of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius)
- Mind Stone (Marvel Comics)